Random Ramblings

Fancy winning a brand new car?

If your answer is yes, then you need to get yourself a timecapsule, travel back to the year 2005, move to Ecuador, create a team, buy very good players, and then participate in the cup Copa Moviestar. This tournament was open only to people living in Ecuador.

It is hard to argue against the fact that ManagerZone has improved in pretty much all departments since the year 2005 and onwards. However, when it comes to prizes then the same can not be said. 100 PT or a brand new Peugeut 206? Chew on that one for awhile.

So how did it all go in this cup tournament? 1547 users signed up, did I mention they were all from Ecuador? Well. Two teams made it all the way to the final which is a common scenario, nothing strange there. One guy won a brand new car, the runner up won a trip to see his national team, probably Ecuador. He would however need to use his bicycle to get there. His name is Juan Rafael Santos, and he would eventually get his revenge when he won a, uhm, division Ecuadorian Cup 5 years later. The winner was nowhere to be seen after he won the car. Rumour has it he used it to drive to USA and lived happily ever after.

I am quite familiar with playing important prized cup finals where there is something at stake, usually 100 PT. Just some hours ago I lost 3-1 to You'll Never Walk Alone, and well, it sucked. But the difference was 50 PT as the winner was getting 100 and the loser 50. Some months ago it was a common scenario that there would be a 100 dollar Amazon gift certificate at stake, and this made the experience of playing such a cupfinal slightly more nervewrecking. More than a year ago I met Triquetra in the grand final of a prized cup, and it was an actual physical prize in that one. The match went to penalty kicks and as I was watching the match it felt like I had a midget inside my chest, kicking my ribs from the inside with some really solid ninja kicks. My point is that the midget would not have been a midget if there was a brand new car at stake, it would have been a giant, a colossus the size of the Eiffel Tower. I do not dare to think what would have happened if I had won chances like 27-5 and lost the car.. I imagine atleast 33 angry messages in Patrick's guestbook, probably followed by teamname changes for several million euros the coming weeks.

With this in mind, does it really suck that MZ doesn't offer prizes like a trip to the moon and back, a Lambourgini, an advanced Japanese robot?

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