Interview FFMZ

Interview by ciroderiver

Women playing soccer. What do you think about that?

Well, it’s a global reality and some of us actually enjoy watching them play and compete ( ). It really made a big splash in for Americans in 1999.

What would happen if a girl started playing MZ for the love of soccer? While I still have a hard time imagining girls playing competitive computer games like Quake, Halo, etc. ( ) I couldn’t be surprised when all of a sudden you see a post in the English forum saying:

** FFMZ - Female Federation of Managerzone **

We are organizing the New FFMZ (Female Federation of ManagerZone) and we would like much that you were part of it. The associates will be able to play the FL's and Cups that the federation will create.


So we decided to interview Soraya and find out what this is all about and how this will affect us (nothing like the Chinese joining MZ, I’m sure) guys, if at all. Here is what she had to say:

1- Hi, Soraya. How is everything? What can you tell us about yourself?

Hello!!! I would first like to let you all know that it is an honor for me to give an interview to US Zone! I’m from Brazil, I’m 19 years-old and I’m studying my third year of Physical Therapy.

2- How long have you been playing MZ?

Oh, very little time, only 5 months. But I think I’ve adapted very well to the game, I had some help…

3- How did you choose your team’s name?

Sorinthians is a mix between my name (Soraya) and the team I’m a fan of (Corinthians)

4- How do you think it will do this season?

I hope I can adapt quickly to the new SIM, which is a SIM of surprises…I hope to make my team a better one and achieve getting to the FFMZ 1st division and the Brazilian 5th division…but it’s not going to be easy.

5- What is FFMZ?

It is a federation that aims at uniting all women of the MZ World with the objective of creating championships, women-only divisions and an MZ Feminine ranking system. It was created just recently and at this moment there are 70 members from all over the world!

6- What impelled you to create it?

It wasn’t me who created it, it already existed in Brazil but it was abandoned…I rescued it…not only did I encourage the girls her in Brazil, I took the FFMZ to the entire world. Yet it is difficult to find girls in this game to make new friends with.

7- Some people are asking, is it really only for women? Do you get a lot of guys asking to join?

This is only for those with "female" in their MZ profile. We haven’t had cases of guys asking to join yet…they are mostly interacting to help…to support in different ways, like giving indications, website help, putting banners in other federation websites and verbal support. Only women can be members!!!

8- Just now I read a post of yours saying, "The 1st Female Cup are open!!!" Is that open to any team, or just female managers?

This cup is only for female managers, members of the federation. It will divide the members in divisions (1st, 2nd, 3rd,). This cup has already started. There are 32 girls from 8 different countries playing…its very interesting…visit our website for more information.

9- How much time are you dedicating to FFMZ? What are you planning to do next (Cups, Federation challenges, etc.)?

I’ve dedicated 2 months. At this moment we have the Selective Feminine Cup, then, after that one ends, we will go on to have our division competitions in the form of Friendly Leagues. The FFMZ intends to have 3 divisions of 16 teams each and realize the FFMZ Cup which will have all the teams of the different divisions playing against each other. Starting next season, we want to start daily challenges against other federations without getting too competitive, just for amusement and interaction.

10- Are you the only person doing working on FFMZ? How about the website?

The federation has four directors: me (Soraya_adm), metoloka, talytta_ribeiro and juliana1008. The team is great…we are living a good friendship, we still haven’t’ had any problems. Since FFMZ is growing a lot and fast we have opened another spot for a foreign director (non-Brazilian). Whoever is interested and has the availability can contact us.

The federation website is:

At the site FFMZ members and others can create and find their registrations, see their rank, federation news, leave messages and more!!!

11- If a female manager wants to join how should she contact you?

Girls that want to participate can register at our website, leave a message in my GB or send an e-mail to the federation ( with the following information:

MZ user: (login and ID user)
Team: (Name and ID Team)
The next questions are optional

Age: (birth Date)
Location: (City / State / Country)
Team fan: (real team of the heart)
Date of Foundation: month, year and season.
Better Ranking:
Team Stadium: (Name and capacity)
Contacts: (email, MSN...).

12- What do you think is the best benefit the federation will offer to its members? To Manager Zone?

Being a member of FFMZ not only Hill you get to know people from all over the World, you Hill make new friends, acquire experience in the game and participate in the competitions that we are organizing.

The federation will create a female rank that will enable you to see your position in the women’s MZ world rank!

On our website, members will be able to see their team accounts with team info and photos, ranking amongst the best female players in MZ, newest features of the federation, game results, interviews, fun links, send challenge requests and now be a vital part of the federations’ aspects!!!

Soraya, and other FFMZ directors, thank you for your time for this interview. We hope that the FFMZ will achieve all of its goals and make a good contribution to MZ in general. Please keep in contact so we can update our readers of any new things your federation comes up with (like a long list of guys having their butts owned by your teams…ouch!).

Watchout guys!! Here they come!! Sisters, girlfriends, wives, mothers, aunts, grandmas playing MZ? See? It’s like mom or even grandma telling you about her Woodstock/Hippie days!! I just don’t want to imagine it!

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