Words From The Editors

Another issue of the US Zone is out, luckily. The editors have been very busy outside of the MZ World, so we purposely tried to keep this issue small in order to get one out. If any of the features you've enjoyed in previous issue are missing, we hope to get them back in the next one.

This issue, also, is a good one for readers of any country, basically due to the two great interview we have. One is with Soraya, from the new and exciting group FFMZ (Female Federation of ManagerZone, or if you really want to get authentic: FEDERAÇÃO FEMININA DE MANAGERZONE) [and yes, if you go their website you'll have to endure quite a bit of PINK, cute logos, and darling images like these: which are enough to make any male leave the website within 3 seconds, leaving the site sacred for females] The other interview is none other than Johan, a founder of Managerzone and its leader, and its quite a good one if I may say so!

We greatly thank both Soraya and Johan for their time to respond to us! We also thank this issues contributors, as well also have articles on the NT elections, training camps, transfer market, MZUSA's US Open Cup, and a Power Rankings

-- giggshasscored & rivercampion

What is your opinion?

We are begging a Letters to the Editors Section, What is your Opinion?

THE ZONE, encourages e-mails from readers. Please write to us with your opinion about articles published by us or about anything that you feel deserves attention or can be of interest to other managers. We edit e-mail letters for brevity, grammar, style and clarity. E-mail letters should address a single topic and do not exceed 150 words. Please send your e-mails to the editors rivercampion@managerzone.com or giggshasscored@managerzone.com.

Go ahead we want to hear what you have to say and expect your participation.

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