
I wanted to create something that would take a long time to plough through, unlike most TZs that are released these days unfortunately. Hopefully this release can inspire others to do something similar, as I have always felt MZ was missing a global TZ. Ideally there should be one between each season, that covers both the one that was, and the one that is about to kick off.

I am still only one man as the cloning device I bought on Ebay was malfunctioning, so I couldn't write everything about all the leagues. I handpicked a few, while other articles might hopefully be an interesting read regardless of which country you play from. What you will find in this DZI are statistics, history, hall of fame, records, competitions, numerous articles, some BS, and above all; 336666. If you know what that code refers to, then you are a clever one. If you are a Crew member who have the ability to create new UI templates, then maybe a good suggestion would be a retro one?

I am Norwegian and over here we learn English by listening to Steven Gerrard and Wayne Rooney post match interviews. There are likely to be a lot of spelling mistakes throughout this edition, as I didn't use any spell checker. I did however try to get the "He is / they are /I am" correct, but even here and there it is likely to be a few screwups. Speaking of which, as a Norwegian I am quite used to using foul language when speaking/writing english, as we all have grown up watching The Wire on the TV, so please do not feel too buggered when I use words like darn, fudge, and flibberty jibbit.

All in all it has been fun and educational for me to write this newspaper, which I so fitting call Da Zone International. Hope you all have a good read.

Eirik aka Hanzinho

Editor Those who have contributed
Articles: Hanzinho
Design: Hanzinho
Everything else: Yeah, you guessed it, Hanzinho

Page Content
1 Crew Introduction
2 Introduction
3 Summary Season 46
4 Transfers Season 46
5 Article:
Work permits
6 Preview Season 47 Northern Europe
7 Articles:
8 Preview Season 47 Mediterranean NS
9 Article:
10 Preview Season 47 South America
11 Meeting in Linköping
12 Preview Season 47 Benelux
13 Article:
The Forums
MZ Timeline
14 Competitions. Win PT.
15 Elite Cups
16 Article:
Training 2.0
17 Hall of fame. Statistics.
18 Suggestions
19 Help
20 Final word
All-Star XI (retired players)

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