
Financial guide

This section is aimed more towards new users. Some of the information on ManagerZone is hard to access, while other information can only be gained by asking questions on the forums. And using trial and error is very inefficient.

The key to success on ManagerZone are to a large degree based on your ability to keep cost down and revenue high, so the focus here will be on that.


This section is aimed more towards new users. Some of the information on ManagerZone is hard to access, while other information can only be gained by asking questions on the forums.

Income from matches are your primary way of income, so having an optimized stadium is essential. Spectators will also spend money on your facilities, so make sure this part is up to par aswell. Regarding stadiums; Bigger is not better! Even the very best teams on ManagerZone have stadiums around 11 000 capacity only. The maintanance cost should be taken into consideration, so you should have a stadium just big enough to fill come matchday. You also need to take into consideration the 75-23-2 ratio (terrace-seating-VIP), as that is how your stadium will fill. Below you will see the optimal stadium for each division.

Top division (10900)
8139 terracing
2495 seating
217 VIP seats
14 Restaurant
27 Hotdog
18 Fastfood outlet
13 Pub
13 Souvenir shop
5 Hotel
1. div ( 9227 )
6921 terracing
2122 seating
184 VIP seats
12 Restaurant
23 Hotdog stand
15 Fastfood outlet
11 Pub
11 Souvenir shop
4 Hotel
2. div ( 8458 )
6344 terracing
1945 seating
169 VIP seats
11 Restaurant
21 Hotdog stand
14 Fastfood outlet
10 Pub
10 Souvenir shop
4 Hotel

3. div ( 8011 )
6009 terracing
1842 seating
160 VIP seats
10 Restaurant
20 Hotdog stand
13 Fastfood outlet
10 Pub
10 Souvenir shop
4 Hotel
4. div ( 7715 )
5787 terracing
1774 seating
154 VIP seats
10 Restaurant
19 Hotdog stand
13 Fastfood outlet
9 Pub
9 Souvenir shop
4 Hotel
5. div ( 7505 )
5629 terracing
1726 seating
150 VIP seats
10 Restaurant
19 Hotdog stand
12 Fastfood outlet
9 Pub
9 Souvenir shop
4 Hotel
6. div ( 7352 )
5515 terracing
1690 seating
147 VIP seats
10 Restaurant
19 Hotdog stand
12 Fastfood outlet
9 Pub
9 Souvenir shop
4 Hotel
Check the link below for further data on optimalization of the stadium:

Other ways of making cash

Cup matches
Yes, ManagerZone is a free to play game, but if you are not a paying member than the road to success will be very steap and long. So if you are ambitious and serious about getting to the top, winning trophies, getting a lot of attention, being invited to events in real life, having other managers envy your team, then you should really become a Club Member. Atleast where I come from, one frozen pizza cost more than being a club member for an entire month. What gives you more lasting satisfaction? Add to that, ManagerZone does not contain any calories. With Club Membership you get the following privileges: Free Official Cups, Discounted Prized Cups, Free Instant Matches, Extra Tactics Slots, LiveScores, National Coach Eligibility, Player Availability Tool, Training Reports & Graphs, Transfer Monitor, My Searches, Player Shortlist, Youth Name Change, Badge Editor, Kit Editor, Statistics, Player Notes and Press Releases.

As you can see, being a Club Member grants you free access to official cup matches. You can buy access to these without being a Club Member, but you get the best value through Club Membership. Some quick examples of cups that you can participate in: U18 National, U23 National, Regular National, Season, Generation, Endurance, Sportsmanship, and lots of other cups. Most of these tournaments are in group stage format, that eventually leads into playoff. So even if you don't have a very competative team yet, you will be raking in cash from the group stage matches alone. The really big money is in the later stages of the tournament, especially from the QF, SF and grand final.

Friendly matches
These matches are free to play. You should start playing them as soon as you start your team. Challenge a friend, or find a sparring partner on the forum. There are lots of managers requesting these matches, so you won't have any problems. You can get income from 2 home matches pr week, so make sure you always plays atleast 4 of these friendly matches pr week. Two matches at home, and two matches away. There won't be so many spectators in these games, but you should not let you get fooled by this, because the few who come pay a lot to eat their hot dog and watch the team they love.

Buying and selling players
This sounds easy enough. It becomes slightly more complicated when you also have to count for expenses tied to the player while he is at your club, that be wages or any TC cost. You should only try this method after a few season when you understand the mechanisms at play. The profit you make will be taxed, and the procentage is dependant on how long you have had the player. 20% is minimum, and the player need to have been one season at your club in order to get away with that low tax. If you sell him prior to that, it will be 50% or more tax from the profit.

There is no use of good revenue, if these are eaten up by the salary for overpaid coaches, a badly built stadium, too many senior players without potential, etc. Always make sure you are as cheap as can be. Optimize your stadium based on the numbers in the section above. Hire coaches which are only marginally better than the player he is training, in the given skill. Do not send old seniors to the camp that won't become quality players no matter what. Youths are cheaper to send, and some of them can be shaped into world class players if you give them enough TC. So, send youths primarily, and young senior players with potential.

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