Training updates

Training 2.0

One of the first things I remember after Patrick made his appearance on the MZ stage in 2011, was that he wanted to adjust the peak age of the players. It would take countless season before this was brought on the table for discussion again. The change is massive and will completely re-wamp the game. Imagine training camp and the effect that had. Training 2.0 is likely to have significantly more impact.

I can not remember seeing any users opposing such a change. Today you need to train a player until he is close to 30 years old before he is good enough to be used in matches at the high level. This is roughtly two seasons before he can announce his retirement. Almir Lago might be the games best 29 year old in the game today. Last time I checked he had 8 balls in experience and 4 or 5 balls in passing. Basically by the time he is 32-33 he will be completely ready to participate at top top level. That has flaw written all over it.

With the Training 2.0 change you will also be able to identify the right training path for a player, and who is your best youth player. If you are able to use the information provided to you correctly that is. There should skills involved, or else there would be no challenge. This is something I have wanted for awhile now, as I am just as clueless as everybody else when I have received my youth players. I can only tell when they are around 20 years old who will make or break. That is not managerial decisionmaking. That is crossing your fingers and hoping for the best.

I also got the impression that detoriations will also be something you as a manager can see before it happens, and also counter to a certain degree. Again, it is you as a manager that can make an educated call based on information given you.


We'll be discussing and sharing different aspects of Training 2.0 over the next 3 months. With each news update, we will focus a little more on one aspect of training. This first news will give a short overview and share some specifics about a part of training that worries most Managers, the terror that is deterioration!

Training 2.0 will be implemented over several seasons, starting in Season 48/40.

Players trained before Training 2.0 will have the opportunity to undertake intensive training that will allow them to compete with those Players who spent all their time with Training 2.0

No active Manager will be disadvantaged and no Player will be wasted. As more of details of Training 2.0 are discussed over the coming months it will give every Manager the comfort and time to consider how they will train their existing Players and future stars.

We want the best Managers to be able to identify the right training path for a Player, and to learn whom their best Youth Players are.

We would like the greatest Youth Players in ManagerZone to develop and shine far earlier in their career, as long they are trained in the best way for that Player. It is the Manager's role to identify this talent and to nurture it.

The training choices that you make will determine if a Player reaches their potential. If you have a young Messi or Crosby in your Youth Academy you should identify his talent and potential and should guide him on the right path, don't try to make him your next goal keeper!

As indicated in the beginning of the news, our very first developer journal we will be talking about deterioration. This due to the fact that deterioration truely is the worst thing that could happen to our players!

When it will be implemented

Deterioration will change in Season 52/44.

How deterioration work in current Training

In general today’s deterioration look a lot worse than it actually is. All players deteriorating do that in verysmall steps compared to training speed and their skill ball/puck level. You cannot foresee in what attribute a player decides to deteriorate, a player may choose any attribute.

How deterioration will work in Training 2.0

Deterioration should be understandable and manageable. ManagerZone has the best people and the best Managers in the world and it is right that you are allowed to demonstrate that with your teams and with your Players.

In Training 2.0 you will have more opportunities to demonstrate your talents and the management of deterioration is one way to do so.

Players will deteriorate in either Speed or Stamina. If you follow carefully the career of your Player from Youth to Senior, the best Managers will know which players are most likely to deteriorate earlier and what they must do to manage it.

Players who deteriorate will lose up to 3 balls/pucks in skill, split between Stamina and Speed. When the deterioration begins, the skill that will deteriorate the most (up to 2 balls) will be first affected. There will be warning signs that allow good Managers to react in time and to manage the situation.

When a Player begins to deteriorate, the correct Coach with the correct skills on the correct training field position will be able to reduce and prevent the loss of that skill. Once the next skill begins to deteriorate then the training and Coach must change to manage that instead. The deterioration will in general take the same fixed length of time, but as every player’s talents and physiology differs the exact number of days for deterioration might vary. However the deterioration in Training 2.0 will allow attentive Managers the best opportunity to manage their Players.

Once a player begins to deteriorate in that skill, they will never increase that skill again, only prevent further deterioration through good management (up to 2 balls/pucks). Training for other skills will continue as normal.

Your new Club Physio will be able to give advanced notice that a player may begin to deteriorate, as long as you make use of their services. These new staff will begin to look for employment around season 50/42.

Existing deterioration will not change until the start of Season 48/40, and then no Player will deteriorate until Season 52/44.

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