Federations League review

26-06-2024 15:00

Federations League season 90.2/82.2 concluded yesterday. In the football game, Swedish Elite won yet again, they have now won both of the Elite Division seasons we have on record so far. In hockey, MZ Hockey España clinched their third straight Elite Division title. It is safe to say that these two federations have established a dominant position in each of the sports.

Football review

Swedish Elite did not miss a single point as they stormed to victory by winning eleven straight clashes. In fact, they have now taken part in all of the first six seasons of the Federations League, and have gone 11-0 in every single season so far, which means they are at 66 straight wins at this point. The 56-52 score in the clash against league runner-up Fenerbahçe - Türkiye was as close as anyone was able to get this season, a score which seems to indicate that the Swedish giants could still be vulnerable after all. Meanwhile, Los Ojos de Cualquier Manager repeated their third position from last season and Fratres rose a position to 4th.

Hockey review
History repeated itself as MZ Hockey España defended their title from the last two seasons. They did so inspite of losing the round six clash against Federatia Romana de Hockey pe Gheata, who finished 5th this season, which shows how close the top levels of the hockey Federations League are. ZHL Maraton have been unlucky on a couple of occasions now, narrowly missing the title. This season they finished 2nd, with the same score and just 5 TBP behind the winners. Will we ever see ZHL Marathons logo depicted here to the right? The bronze trophy was won by Los de Abajo Pueden! this season and Sudden Death came 4th.

Federations League

Upcoming edition: 91.1 (Football) 83.1 (Hockey)
Inclusion deadline: July 3, 09.00 CEST
First clash start: July 5, 16.00 CEST

We want to wish all federations the best of luck in the season ahead!