Federation First Team: terminology & explanations

24-07-2023 11:00

First team

Federation first team
A federation can consist of any number of members, thousands even, but only a select few can represent the federation in competitions. These selected individuals are the first team. At the moment, the only way to represent a federation is by playing clashes in the federations league, but more types of contests may be added in the future, where the federation will be represented by their first team.

First team member

Up to 16 users can be selected as first team members, and it is generally advised to make sure all of these 16 slots are filled. Each first team member can challenge one opponent during clashes. Only members who have made themselves available for the first team can be selected.

Key first team member
Out of the 16 first team members, two can be selected as key members. These two have increased capabilities during clashes: they will be able to challenge an additional user, and can therefore cover for empty slots or used tactically to improve the score.

Federation league minimum
A federation must have a minimum of 8 first team members to be included in the federations league. If a federation is already in the federations league but drops below the minimum of 8 when a new season starts, they may be excluded from the league and will need to restart from the bottom the following season.

Moving to a different federation
You can move to a different federation at any time, and also be removed from the first team by a federation at any time. However, if you move to a different first team while you are involved in a clash, please note that you will continue to represent the old federation in that clash, until the next round starts (and a new clash begins). You can then represent your new federation.


Federation Clash
Clashes are the main way federations battle with each other: the first team of one federation will clash against the first team of another one. Clashes typically last for three or four days and the federation who earn the most points will win the clash, and earn bonus points.

Clash page
Each clash has a dedicated page where all the action happens, and where outside spectators can view the clash as well. The page mainly consists of the score, shown in the upper hand side, the opponents who are available to challenge, a table which shows things like wins, losses and draws. And at the bottom there is also a space for all of the matches played so far during the clash. It is possible to switch back and forth between each federation's challenges, through a switch in the upper left side.


A clash consists of a series of matches, where the first team members of one federation play against the first team members of another federation. Each one of these matches is referred to as a challenge. When you play against your selected opponent: you have challenged that opponent. When they play a match against you: they have challenged you. During a clash, you can always challenge an opponent twice.

Latest result
If you challenge your selected opponent twice, only the latest result counts. This means if you draw the first challenge and then lose the second one, you will have contributed with a loss towards the clash table. If a key first team member challenges a user which have already been challenged before, the same rule applies. Always the latest result.

Our challenges
Here you will see all the available opponents. You must select one of them to challenge. Federations with a more casual approach will let their members choose freely, while other federations might want to discuss and pair up opponents in a more tactical manner. All points gathered here will go towards your row in the clash table.

Their challenges
Conversely to Our challenges, this is where the opponent first team will play their challenges against your first team. Most likely, one of the opponent first team members will choose to play against your own team. They will always play against the away tactic, which you have prepared before the clash.

Away match tactic
The away tactic is the tactic that is being challenged. You will need to set one up before the clash deadline has passed. You don't have to keep setting up new tactics for every clash, but make sure your away tactic is always up to date and consist of your strongest team. When you challenge an opponent first team member, you will face the away tactic that user has set up for the clash. Away tactics will never be changed for the duration of a clash, even if a player is sold or injured. However, if you sell a player you must remember to change your away tactic ahead of the next clash, otherwise you will be missing a player. Note that if you do not manually select an away tactic, your first tactic tab (tactic tab A) will be selected by default.

Clash table

The clash table consists of two rows and is sorted by total amount of points (the federation with the highest amount of points sits at the top). Each federation has their own row.

Clash table row
Each federation in a clash has their own row in the clash table. All of the points gathered in the our challenges section are added to your federations' row, while the opponents matches under their challenges, will go into their row.

Clash Scout Match
In addition to the two challenges you can play against your selected opponent, it will also be possible to scout opponents. This is very similar to how normal scout matches work, although here you will face the away match tactic that the opponent has set up for the ongoing clash. You can play scout matches against any opponent in a clash, and you can play as many scout matches as you want.

Clash Scout Credits

When playing clash scout matches, you will need either Power Tokens or Clash Scout Credits (which will be available to purchase or can be won in various ways, or in some cases given out for free).

Clash starting point (or start deadline)

This is the moment in time when a specific clash starts, and it is important for two main reasons. 1: Once past this point, it is no longer possible to alter the first team, add first team members or change the key first team members. The first team is set in stone and cannot be changed. And 2: The away match tactic of every first team member is locked and can't be altered.

Clash end deadline

All challenges have to be initiated before this point in time. If a match finishes after the deadline, it will still count as long as it was initiated before the deadline.

Federation Administration

Federation administration
Federation leaders have the option of administering the federation in a number of ways. These options are accessible by clicking the Federation administration link, at the top right corner of your federations front page.

Only one user can be president of a federation, and this person cannot be removed or demoted by other members of the federation. The president can choose admins and team leaders to help running the federation.

"Can pick First Team members"
This is a brand new admin role, which can be given to any member of a federation (not just first team members). With this role activated, the member can act as first team leader and pick the first team. It is possible to give this role to any number of members.

First Team leaders

When a member of a federation has been given the "Can pick first team members" admin role, that person is referred to as first team leader, because they can now promote and demote first team members, and even choose key first team members.

"Looking for new first team members"

This function is located under Federation Administration, in the Manage Members and roles area. Here you can hit the Looking for new team members switch so it turns blue. Now, when users are browsing federations, they can tick the Looking for new first team members checkbox, and your federation will show up in the results.

Federations league

Federations league
Points gathered in clashes will be added to a federations' total score in the federations league table. Their position at the end of a season will determine whether a federation is promoted, relegated, or remain in the same division.

Federations league division group
Each division in the federations league will consist of a number of groups, just like the individual league. The groups will be shuffled between seasons, so you will know which division you will play in, but not which specific group or which opponents you will face. This will be determined a few days before the start of every new season, and the schedule for the season ahead will be published.

Each season consists of a series of rounds, just like the individual league. In each round, every federation will play a clash against another federation in the same division group, until all federations have played against each other once.

The points gained in clashes (the amount of points your federations' first team have gathered in challenges against opponent first teams).


Points conceded in clashes (the amount of points that opponent federations have gathered in challenges against your first team).

The difference between points gained (P+) and points conceded (P-).

When a federation wins a clash, they will gain 6 bonus points. When they draw a clash, they gain 3 points. The bonus column summarizes all of these bonus points.

Total points
This is the main column, which dictates the position of all federations within a division group. It is the sum of net points gained (P=) and all bonus points.

Beta division
During the beta season, only one division will be available and it will be called the Beta Division. All historical records of this division will be removed once the beta is concluded, but milestone badges will be awarded to all who participated.

Elite Division
The top division in the federations league division tree is called the Elite Division, and consists of one group. (Not present during beta.)

Challenger Division
The 2nd highest division in the federations league division tree is called the Challenger Division, and consists of two groups. (Not present during beta.)

Clash Schedule
A schedule of all clashes for the upcoming season will be shown under the schedule tab. This will be generated a few days before the season starts, to give federations a chance to prepare.


Primary federation
It is also possible to choose one federation as Primary. Choosing a federation as primary means that you will go to this federation by default, every time you visit the federation pages. You will also have the badge of your primary federation visible in the forums. Please note that your primary federation and the federation you have chosen to represent as first team member, can be two different federations.

Federation ranking

Towards the end of each season, every federation will gain rank points based on the division they are in and the final position in their division group. Points from the three latest seasons will be added together, which forms the basis of the rank table. Note that any points gained during the beta season will be removed and won't be tracked in any way. Also note that, in the future, other types of federation first team-based contests may also be weighed in to the ranking.

Federation Tour and League of Federations
Please note that the term League of Federations, which forms the basis of the Federation Tour, will be fazed out to avoid confusion with the Federations League. The Federation Tour will henceforth only be labelled as the Federation Tour, and nothing else.