Training 2.0: Training places update

27-09-2013 11:00
In this week's second Developers journal (following the New UI Walkthrough news) we wanted to share the new Training Field and Training Camp limits in their own dedicated news!

Training Field places
We previously shared that the number of places will increase by at least one and we can now confirm the final numbers. With Training 2.0 the places will be:
  • 42 for Football
  • 60 for Hockey
An increase of +7 and +12 places respectively.

In preparation for the increased number of training places, we have released a Training Field update for those Managers experiencing problems viewing all their Players on the Training Field.

Training Camp places
With Training 2.0 the number of regular Training Camp places will be:
  • 8 for Football
  • 12 for Hockey
An increase of +2 and +3 places respectively.

These updated numbers will allow new or experienced Managers great opportunities to develop and grow their teams via their own academies. With the recent changes to the transfer market, teams will be able to trade their surplus players and supplement their home grown talent with shrewd acquisitions from other Managers!