Training 2.0: Training Speed

18-09-2013 10:00
In this week's developers journal we'll share the key objectives of the changes that will be seen in the Training Speed for all Players as well as stressing how vital the ITC is for your Players. We will also help clear the confusion some Managers have regarding the benefits of the excellent ITC tour.

The ITC Tour dates were first announced in the Training 2.0: The ITC Tour news on the 9th of September and follows the popular Tour format in use since 2012.

What benefits does my team gain from the ITC Tour?
If you complete the ITC Tour your board will pay the ITC cost for all Players in groups 2 and 3.

To give you a better understanding; lets say a Manager named Carlton Palmer is managing a team in ManagerZone. He has a total of 22 players who do not qualify for group 1 on the ITC Camp:

- 12 players in group 2 with an average salary of 10 500 EURO
- 10 players in group 3 with an average salary of 12 000 EURO

Carlton would then pay:

- 12 players in group 2 = 12 * (10 500 * 1.5) = 189,000 EURO
- 10 players in group 3 = 10 * (12 000 * 2) = 240,000 EURO

This means that Carlton can save 429,000 EURO by completing the ITC Tour.

The ITC includes the benefit of the Coaches and regular Training Camps that best Managers would have sent their Players on in training 1.0 The ITC Camp is excellent in terms training and value!

Training Speed in Training 2.0
When developing Training 2.0 we've considered the training speed from many different angles. Following the training progression of your Players is one of the most exciting parts of ManagerZone, so we want to make sure Training 2.0 meets those expectations and makes the training even more entertaining!

Three main areas will change with Training 2.0:

Players' training ability
Today all Players are individuals and therefore have different training progression. In Training 2.0 we will increase the range of Player potential. In the future you will see Players with both greater and lesser training ability than today. Existing Players will not suffer and may see their potential increase, as long as they have attended an ITC, to benefit from the latest advances in Sports Science.

Learning the basics faster.
A Player starting from zero ability in a skill should be able to learn the basics in that attribute much faster. On the other hand, it will be harder to become the world's best Player, so the highest skill level will be harder to reach.

A general increase in training speed.
Overall we want Players to reach their peak at an earlier age than they do today. To achieve this we've increased the average training speed by about 15% between the ages of 15-25. The very best players, if properly trained with Coaches and Training Camps will achieve higher training speed than that.

Next week we'll have more in-depth look at the Training Field and Training Camp places.