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28-09-2024 06:36
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Football » English » Federations

MZUSA Federation #6

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Welcome to the newest home thread for the MZUSA Federation. Here you will find a place to discuss your joys and heartbreaks with other USA based managers. Feel free to ask questions or pose solutions to issues. Discussions and the waiting list for the MZUSA FL series (tables above for the 16th edition) can also be found here. Enjoy.
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Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@mchutio_fc......Thanks. I passed the info on to tree_amigo in his GB. By the way your badge is pretty cool.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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sounds good, and thanks i appreciate it

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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can not start it

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@ mchutio fc thanks for stepping up to help head up the D league.

@maxiromamanny : You have been added to the waitlist.

Next step is to find someone to take over setting up the A league as our present coordinator looks like he'll be dropping to B League. Then I will start sending out invite lists to the various coordinators.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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hi all, I am interested in joining to the MZUSA D league

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Just send the information for the first batch of MZUSA FL A League invites to acf69 who will be moving up this term and has agreed to host the A League. Still waiting to see how things settle out in the rest of the levels before starting invites for those, but should start seeing invites by end of this week.

Waiting list (so far):
Real Alianciuxz fernandiuxz
Arcola Youth Academy goliath_11_01_86
Indy Roma maxiromamanny
McLean FC thunderthunder

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Hey tree_friends , what will be my league , "league E" hahah I'm doing really bad in my offiial league man,,don't tell me I will play in A

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Not sure but I think you will start in at D, or maybe C but definitely not A. You have to work your way into that one.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@fernandiuxz You'd probably be top half in D and one of the worst in C. We're in the same league 2.8 and I'm in third in D here.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@sctt503 well letsee , nice game we had last week, 2-1 best defender was injured for that game :( , good luck against cannosburg and orkan zapalow ( I will buy snacks to watch those games) , they are good teams , i think they both were on div 1 already c u

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Usually new teams start in D League and work their way up. If there is a team which is way out of whack in terms of starting 11 strength, they may be started in a higher league just to try to keep things more even.

First batch of invites have gone out for A, B, and C Leagues and I am currently working on putting together the information for D league to send on to mchutio_fc. Thanks again for stepping up to head up this level.

A League currently has 12 filled slots and B league has 7, so we are making good early progress. Remember, the quicker you accept the invites the quicker we can get the leagues started and the easier it makes it for figuring out who needs to move between leagues to fill spots.

I have gone with the traditional 3 up, 3 down for promotion/relegation but 3 may not always go down if there are drop outs from the league they would have dropped from. There may also be more than 3 promotions if spots need to be filled as well.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@fernandiuxz Yea you have a real good team, I am going up to C League and will probably be one of the worst there and I doubt I can hang with Cannosburg and Orkan Zapalow, frankly I'm shocked to be where I am, this is my first year in DIV 2.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@sctt503......Don't short sell your team. You have a good squad that has been coming on strong lately. I think the new sim favors your team and tactic.

If your going to be one of the worst then I will provide the company. Just make sure you have the hamburgers and hotdogs ready. :) lol

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@sctt503.. yeah u have a good team , this is my 2nd year in div2. Eventhough im a manager since 2009 , im taking this year more seriously. i didnt have much time before, (fulltime in both school and work). good luck

@dowopoda...hey i just noticed we will play for the national u21 cup tomorrow at 6am, haha another tie game?? i will lose probably since i have my 4 best u21 players in TC .
good luck , be kind with my team

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@fernandiuxz.......Thats laughable. I haven't had enough players for a u21 team in a long time. I'm in it just for the money. So you will get a walkover.:)

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Hi everybody, I won the D league, thank you for invite me to participate for this great federation.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Hey cr7 (c-rnaldo) u meant C league ,congratulations

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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oo yes is the C league jejejejej i fotget

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Dowo.... but u don't receive money is u lose fr walkover

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Please put me on the wait list for the D league

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Walkover or not they willl still pay income.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@ jsrohaly : you have been added to the waitlist.

@dowopado: for now they still pay income, but they are getting close to putting the new walkover rules into effect. Haven't heard the final amounts but I know that you'll not be getting money for walkovers and there may be a monetary penalty. I used to do the same thing, it really helps getting the extra cash, but I guess the frustration level of those actually fielding qualified teams reached the point where something needed to be done. Keep your eyes out for a news item about this, possibly when the youth leagues start up.

Also, don't know if it is just for youth leagues or if it will be for all Uxx competitions.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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@tree......Spot on. I'm aware of that. Hopefully they don't catch me with my pants down.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Congratulations to the winners of the MZUSA Friendly Leagues:
A League - Cascade Park West
B League - AC Fort Lauderdale
C League - Philadelphia Eagles F.C.
D League - Casino Royale

Congratulations and good luck as well to the other top teams who were promoted:

B League - Creekers and Las Vegas Futbol Club
C League - Montesa de Lugo and Real Salt Lake
D League - Nomads Football Club and Katy AFC

First batch of invites have gone out for all levels of the FL series and more will be following as the leagues fill up and we see where we need to move teams. Thanks again to all who participate for keeping it fun and competitive.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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A-League is full, everyone accepted quickly. Well done.

Awaiting instructions when to start the league.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Progress is moving well on filling the Friendly league slots.
B League has 10 spots filled and 6 invites awaiting responses,
C League has 9 spots filled and 3 invites awaiting responses, and
D League has 7 spots filled with 6 invites awaiting responses.

To my knowledge only 1 team has declined their invite so far. If any of the other League coordinators know of other teams who have declined please let me know so we can move to fill those spots. Thanks

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Here are the current teams on the waiting list:

McLean FC - thunderthunder
Stonewood AFC - fabito120

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Progress is moving well on filling the Friendly league slots.
A League is full
B League has 13 spots filled and 3 invites awaiting responses,
C League has 11 spots filled and 3 invites awaiting responses, and
D League has 8 spots filled with 10 invites awaiting responses.

If we have good luck filling the remaining spots this week, we could have the leagues running next week.

If you have received an invite to the D League and want to play this season, sign up as soon as you can. Invites sent is more than places in the league so things are first come first served for that league.

There are a few teams from last season who have not yet gotten their invites. This is due to waiting to make sure B league fills up before inviting the last of the teams to C League. Thank you for your patience.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Want to ask something of the community, and specifically those who play in the MZUSA Friendly League series. There has been a suggestion that perhaps a prize fund could be generated to make things more interesting with each participant putting 2 tokens into a pot which would be held by a treasurer and then percentages paid out to the top teams at each level. Anyone have any ideas on that?

Would someone be willing to translate to Spanish and post this question on the Spanish language forum? Not sure if there is a USA specific federation on the Spanish side - my spoken Spanish is poor and written is much worse. Thanks

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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If the community is in favor then thats fine by me. I have yet to lose my interest in participating in the MZUSA leagues.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Hope everybody agrees to make it more interesting ...thi season or next season?,
ill translate it to spanish ,no problem,that's my native language :)

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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I don't think that's possible because according to the manual "only purchased Power Tokens can be given away", so whoever holds the pot won't be able to gift back the tokens he has received from all of us. Unless the so called "treasurer" has a lot of tokens himself and instead of gifting away the tokens he has received he gives back his own tokens (the ones he purchased). If the majority of the managers support the idea I will participate, but I just think it makes the things too complicated.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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To ensure this feature is used fairly, the following limits exist for Power Token gifting:
* A maximum of 200 Power Tokens may be gifted within a 7-day period
* Power Tokens may only be transferred between managers in the same country
* Power Tokens originally received free-of-charge may not be gifted

Well I think its not possible then

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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What the hell is a MZUSA Federation????

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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MZUSA Federation is a federation of US based managers who share ideas, questions, and support. It is a place where managers from throughout the United States can get to know one another. We also run a Friendly League series exclusively for US managers with promotion and relegation between the levels. There's no fee or special requirements to join other than being a manger of a US based team. Conversation has been a little lacking lately in the forum, but like any forum thread there are periods where lots of folks are making comments and periods where there's a lull. If you have any questions you'd like to ask of the US community, we will try our best to provide answers.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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In an effort to get the Friendly Leagues filled by the end of next week, we are sending out a bunch of invites which will put the B, C, and D league with more invites send than places available. If you want to play, sign up soon as the spots will go on a first come basis.

If you haven't received an invite and want to play, please let us know here and we will get you an invite. Thanks

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Login: Anjo-Mortal
Equipe: Anjo-Mortal
Nome do dirigente: Daniel Gonçalves

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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Whewt! Manchester CIty!!!!

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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MZUSA Friendly Leagues update:

Time is drawing short. 1 spot left in B League, 2 spots in C League, and 1 in D League. IF all goes well we will be starting the leagues next week. IF you want to play and have been invited, please accept soon. If you haven't been invited and want to play - let us know quickly. Thanks

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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A-League will start next week!

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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C and D League are also set to go next week. We have 1 spot left in the B League, so it may wind up being an extra week for them. Good luck to all the participants and have fun.

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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I can join B

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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: )

Re: MZUSA Federation #6

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We have filled the B League - and not with fernandiuxz , but thanks for the offer.
With this league filling and starting soon (next week) and the others having started today. I will be requesting that this thread be closed and MZUSA discussions move to the soon to be newly created MZUSA Federation #7 thread. Thanks.
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