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28-09-2024 03:17
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Hockey » English » ManagerZone talk

Skills Thread

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Hi, I already have a soccer team and now I am planning to start a hockey team in the beggining of the next season.
I was trying to find a thread in the Hockey forum that explains what are the important skills for a player in a given position (wing, center, defense and goalie)

Do we have a thread with those explanations?

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Re: Skills Thread

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I will get back to you when I have a bit more time on what is required. However if you look at one of the recent threads about checking. it will give you a good idea.

Re: Skills Thread

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Keepers need keeping then stamina then PI. I then go for quickness with a lot of people saying you need passing and puck control.
Power is the most important skill for all outfield players. Don't bother with passing or PI unless you have maxed all other skills. If you have to choose between 2 players, one with 9 power and 6 shooting and checking and the other 6 power and 9 in shooting and checking, go for the first player with 9 power.
Your center is usually your best player. Needs power, both high shooting and checking, then stamina, quickness, skating and finally a bot of puck control for face offs.
Wingers again same stats as centers but can be a slightly weaker player.
For defenders you will need power, plenty of checking, a lot of stamina, quickness and then some skating.

Re: Skills Thread

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Minimum stats 7 pucks

Gk :- keeping max power max PI max quickness max

Defender :- power max checking max quickness max stamina max skating max

Winger :- power max shooting max quickness max stamina max skating max

Centre :- all of the above ... Shooting and checking. Centre must be your most talented player. MVP so to speak!

Re: Skills Thread

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Brian keepers don't need power.

Re: Skills Thread

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Mmm don't think it would hurt :p

Re: Skills Thread

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Stamina is far more important to a keeper than power.

Re: Skills Thread

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Thanks guys.... Now I just need to wait for the next season!

Re: Skills Thread

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Some veteran MZ managers believe that skating is a definitely more important skill than quickness, for all outfield players, of course. And only for wingers quickness and skating are nearly of the same importance.

Re: Skills Thread

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No point being quick if you can't stay on your skates!

Re: Skills Thread

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Very true . . .

My skills that I aim for is in no particular order

Re: Skills Thread

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very helpful well done boys,
what about faceoffs any partcular skill needed for that, loosing them 4ever by miles so far:(

Re: Skills Thread

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I think its puck control but don't quote me lol

Re: Skills Thread

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There was a thread about face-offs. Most said puck control and PI.

Sv: Skills Thread

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F/O were random until Crew somehow implemented an update just for hockey!

If you read the news from that time carefully you see that Crew didn't want to spell out how skills would impact F/O, but stated clearly:
1. there are more than one skill involved,
2. the so-called 'boost-attributes' are in play in determination of F/O (all of them or just one (ie PC, PI, Passing),
3. Power is not involved.
(This is as I remember, and also from experience since.)

I find that the best way to learn the proper magic for F/O is to study the stats!
In your league table you have stats that can help you to calculate F/O% (Divide 'F/O Won' with 'F/O Total' (F/O Won + F/O Lost). You can also sort players on 'F/O Lost' and find the real stinkers on the dot.
Use this info! Check out your centers, and your buddies Centers. What do the over achievers have in common? It ain't rocket science. =)

But if Crew would like to do something for Hockey again: then update the stats!
Give us % on F/O, Shooting etc. We don't care about the raw numbers - we want the quotas!

Re: Skills Thread

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Agree with prednibe, we need stats badly!
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