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28-09-2024 05:52
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
Online: 4 796


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

[SUG] Retired Players displaying original speed and stamina

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As the title implies, I propose that a retired player in a club's hall of fame, shows its original speed and stamina before deteriorating, as it happened in the past. Where the retired players showed their peak skills, and not those at , say, age 36.

I ask this, knowing players who retired under the old rules / when there was a different deteriorating mechanic, display their peak condition, while a retiring club legend today can show mediocre balls/pucks in speed or stamina!

For example, the Legend Almir Lago, who retired as a 10-10-10-10 and is esthetically incredible, while a similar player nowadays would probably retire as a double 8 in speed-stamina which is not nearly as nice to the eye.

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Re: [SUG] Retired Players displaying original speed and stamina

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I agree with everything you’ve said here 😊

Re: [SUG] Retired Players displaying original speed and stamina

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Thanks! It is a small change and easy to make, that would improve things IMO.


Re: [SUG] Retired Players displaying original speed and stamina

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Aesthetically makes sense. Though what would you do with the knock on impact of Coaching abilities?

Re: [SUG] Retired Players displaying original speed and stamina

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mosmosmos wrote:
Aesthetically makes sense. Though what would you do with the knock on impact of Coaching abilities?

It has no impact whatsoever. Coaches already use peak skills, before deterioration.
That's why I ask for the change! :)

Re: [SUG] Retired Players displaying original speed and stamina

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Another +1 from me then.

Re: [SUG] Retired Players displaying original speed and stamina

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mosmosmos wrote:
Another +1 from me then.

:) let's hope the mods see it, even if it is a minor change-

Patch notes are proof out Power Token money was well spent :V

Re: [SUG] Jogadores Aposentados exibindo velocidade original e r

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