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28-09-2024 07:52
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
Online: 7 516


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

Tactics formation

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I would very much like to suggest that tactic slots can be reserved only for different leagues (U18, U21, U23, senior). Quite often I forget to run the formation through and a player who is to old to play has not been removed. That will result in a 0-5 loss. It is not realistic since officials in real life will discover this and inform you before the match start.

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Re: Tactics formation

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If you go to fixtures, and there is anything wrong with formation, you will see this :

Everybody is checking upcoming games, so it's handy.

Sv: Tactics formation

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You are actually already able to preset your tactics for the different Uxx-Leagues on the overiew page for the Youth Leagues:


Ang: Tactics formation

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Thank you for your answers guys. I know that I can preset a slot for a league @aikaik, but I suggest that a formation within the tactics can be reserved to only contain players of a certain age.

Re: Tactics formation

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fekser wrote:
Thank you for your answers guys. I know that I can preset a slot for a league @aikaik, but I suggest that a formation within the tactics can be reserved to only contain players of a certain age.

Age filters are in tactics!Which you can see on clubhouse page under tactics.

When overaged players are in that tactic it will display message "Age filter warning"

Ang: Tactics formation

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@evosa - thank you for your answer. Won`t you still be able to place an “illegal” player which is the correct age but born in the wrong season?

Ang: Tactics formation

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If you could fix a tactics slot to e.g. U18 then the sim could check automatically which season the plaeys should be born in and warn the mamager.

На: Tactics formation

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Can we monitor it with https://**********.com mobile recorder on Android ?

This suggestion is not related with the tactics formation.
Edited: 06-02-2018 08:31
Total edits: 1
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