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28-09-2024 06:16
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
Online: 4 743


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

Quickview of maxings

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Guys, when going through the transfer pages, we loose a lot of time opening and closing the training graphic in order to see if a player is maxed or not. Don't you think that it would be awesome to have a preview of at least the maxings of the player?

I think a mzplus view would do the job:

This would be only for players with shared training information only.

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Re: Quickview of maxings

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so? nothing?

Re: Quickview of maxings

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Most players use red flags for that quick view, and they can control whether users can see those when sharing player profiles. If your suggested view was optional, then it would be okay.

Re: Quickview of maxings

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I know most of us use the flags for quickview and can control if others can see them or not.

This quickview would work on the transfer market, only when a user shares training information. Having this preview would be really useful when looking for new players.

Re: Quickview of maxings

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I see. I overlooked that it was for the transfer market.

Re: Quickview of maxings

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This is driving me nuts! I spend all day long pushing the "Player Training History" button..

Don't you Transfer Market Addicts suffer the same??

Re: Quickview of maxings

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Well I guess not..

Re: Quickview of maxings

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COME ON! The time lost doing player research in the market is terrible! Don't you guys realise that this feature is what keeps a big part of the game's fun?

Re: Quickview of maxings

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I don't actually agree. I think that players who take the time to research properly in the current system should be rewarded. Plus, you are assuming that everyone uses the same maxing flags that you do (not necessarily so).

I like the system as is. Your way would over complicate it considering that some might not want to share it in that format.
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