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28-09-2024 03:09
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

Revolution for the transfer market

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A players gets set on the transfer list. Now interested clubs can run contract deals with him and the player needs to agree to the conditions (weekly payment, bonus, contract length, etc). If he accepts the deal with his current club would start where the managers can place their bids to that the new player would accept his contract.

When the contract of a player is about to expire you can renegotiate, changing all possible options and see if he is pleased. If he doesn't likes your offers and you can't or don't want make a different offer he would end up on the free market (not owned by any club) in case you don't put him on the transfer list in the right time.

A player that is on the free market could be hired by everyone. Though the team that wants him would automatically pay 5-50% of the player value to his old club as education bonus. The % would be calculated by the time that player had been in the club:
1 month = 5%
2 months = 7.5%
3 months = 10%
4 months = 15%
5 months = 20%
6 months = 25%
9 months = 30%
12 months = 50%

So if a player with 1.000.000 value has been 3 months in your club you would get 100.000 for him, if you had him for 6 months you would get 250.000 for him.

Also if you use the release option the player would be on the free transfer market. Though in the case of a release from your site before the contract ends you would get only half of the above listed % for his education.

A player on the free market would not lose any skill for 7 days and then he would start losing skills. So the longer he is without a club the worse he will be. Though the losing shouldn't happen too fast.
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Re: Revolution for the transfer market

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There's a decent principal to the idea but I think a lot of issues in the practicality. I can only imagine how annoying it would be to lose a player you've maybe spent a huge fee on, or years of youth payment, senior salary and TC costs, for less than worth. Basing anything off profile values is problematic because they're rarely reflective of market value. Someone with say £600k+ profile value is quite possibly £1.5m market value. Anything up to £4m or thereabouts.

Can't say I like it.

Re: Revolution for the transfer market

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Interesting idea.

Disagree with losing "skill", unless you can do that without altering maxing level.
Not sure the network code is up for such depth in players, so that they could debate their value, but I think it sounds realistic enough.

Would definitely want to add more than one round of negotiations, or you'd have people overpaying automatically to keep key players.

Re: Revolution for the transfer market

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Well my main thought to get on this idea had been the fact of implanting that you can change contracts with your players. But a long with changing the direct player contract the transfer system would need a change as well.

What I see right now is the salary is set up, but maybe I want to pay him less but offer him great bonuses. So for a striker I could give a bonus for scoring x goals in this season a goalie could get a bonus for getting less than x goals.

To make individual contracts with your players as well gives you the option to use your money better. So in case you have a low balance you could go and ask the players for a contract change raising the bonus and lowering the weekly payment. If they accept it will be great for you :P

Re: Revolution for the transfer market

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I kind of like this idea, for a few reasons. for example when a team goes inactive for what ever reason, lets assume the manager dies in real life (sad but it can happen) some really good players even players good enough for the national team goes down with the ship.

but a team should also be able to strike a new deal long before the player contracts ends to ensure a better chance to retain thier investment.

am not going into all the reasons why i like the idea. but here is something u can add to it something i have been thinking about for awhile.. Usually when u go to a managers profile you cannot see the skill level of thier players only ages, salary etc. it would be nice if a managers could select which players skills can be seen and a starting bid. if the starting bid is met then the player is instantly placed on the market with that managers bid as the first. It has to go on the transfere else alot of cheating can take place. and to not clog up the game each managers can do this with 1 or 2 players just a thought...

but nice contribution
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