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28-09-2024 01:33
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction

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The Last 6 Games Form (Green/Yellow/Red circles) in the League Page changed direction from right (older games) to the left Recent games).
This is confusing me. I don't understand the purpose of the change.
Does everyone see the same?
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Re: Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction

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Yes, I see the same. It confuses me too

Re: Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction

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I thought I was imagining things... I don't see any advantage in this new order and it just confuses us.

Re: Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction

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Thank you for the report.

This was an issue created unintentionally by us, but we have now fixed it. Sorry for the confusion.

Re: Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction

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Thanks a lot Peter!

Re: Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction

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I saw that too, but i said who cares 😂

Re: Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction

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Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction" typically refers to a shift or alteration in performance over the course of the most recent six games played by a sports team or individual athlete. This phrase suggests that there has been a noticeable change in their level of play, either for the better or worse

Re: Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction

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Re: Last 6 Games Form Changed Direction

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