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When do you stop to send players to Training Camp?

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In my case I stop to send players to TC when they turn 21.
Is there a consensus of when we should stop to send players to TC?
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Re: When do you stop to send players to Training Camp?

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I send players to training camp even at 23. It really depends on your team. The players I send are all potential first team players or will make myself good money on the transfer market. I don’t send any players with bad maxing or anything like that.

I feel 21 is too soon to stop camping your best young talent though

Re: When do you stop to send players to Training Camp?

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Keeping in mind I only send to TC players with good potential and no bad maxings, I stop sending them when they train slow enough that sending them to TC doesn't give me any benefits, there are players that start training slow at a young age and others might be 25/26 y/old and still train very well, I have players I sent to TC up to when they were 25 y/old and others that I had to stop at 20 y/old as it just wasn't worth it.

Re: When do you stop to send players to Training Camp?

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darkline wrote:
Keeping in mind I only send to TC players with good potential and no bad maxings, I stop sending them when they train slow enough that sending them to TC doesn't give me any benefits, there are players that start training slow at a young age and others might be 25/26 y/old and still train very well, I have players I sent to TC up to when they were 25 y/old and others that I had to stop at 20 y/old as it just wasn't worth it.

How can you tall if it is worthy? I mean what is your definition for "training slow" ?

Re: When do you stop to send players to Training Camp?

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carlosmoreira wrote:
How can you tall if it is worthy? I mean what is your definition for "training slow" ?

When you send someone to TC what you get is training without a coach multiplied by a different factor each week, some players train good with coach but really poor without one so you need to know if your player will train ok without a coach.

So basically, if you're in doubt about sending an older player to TC, just place him to train a skill in which you don't have a coach for one day and if he can get 4 training bars he should be fine, it's a rough guide as all skills train a bit different depending on the player, one player might train speed faster than lets say tackling and another one might be the opposite case, but it's a good enough approach and at least it pretty much guarantees you'll get 2/3 balls at TC.

Re: When do you stop to send players to Training Camp?

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For example, this player I sent him to TC when he was 25 y/old

When he turned 26 y/old, his training speed slowed down, he was getting 4/5 bars with a 10 ball coach and when the season changed, he was getting 3/4 bars, when a player gets 3/4 bars with a 10 ball coach you know he can't go to TC any longer as it'll be a waste, at this stage he might train slower at TC than with a coach.

Re: When do you stop to send players to Training Camp?

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darkline wrote:
For example, this player I sent him to TC when he was 25 y/old

When he turned 26 y/old, his training speed slowed down, he was getting 4/5 bars with a 10 ball coach and when the season changed, he was getting 3/4 bars, when a player gets 3/4 bars with a 10 ball coach you know he can't go to TC any longer as it'll be a waste, at this stage he might train slower at TC than with a coach.

Perfect. Thanks
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