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Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Senior players and training camp.

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Hello all,

Do you send Senior players to training camp? Until what age?

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Re: Senior players and training camp.

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If is worth, you can send it at 25, but later is a waiste.

Re: Senior players and training camp.

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I typically do not send past 23, but this past season I did send a couple of 24 year olds. Results were not as good as for younger players, but I had no youth worth sending and was trying to finish up a couple of skills.

Re: Senior players and training camp.

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tree_amigos wrote:
I typically do not send past 23, but this past season I did send a couple of 24 year olds. Results were not as good as for younger players, but I had no youth worth sending and was trying to finish up a couple of skills.

Also for a top player, the TC cost is huge. From my experience, they got like 0-1 full balls per skill, depends on the current state of the ball progress.

Re: Senior players and training camp.

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TC cost is small compared to purchase price!And TC cost is tied with player salary. Couple of seasons a go I purchased 21-year old who had 20k+ salary. 20k salary player 5-week TC costs 250 000€.

My former players who were 23+ year olds and who I camped:

Both were sold with small profit! :)
Edited: 21-07-2018 11:24
Total edits: 1
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