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28-09-2024 09:55
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Best way to train youths

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So, will be taking a new academy of youths and im wondering whats the best strategy to training them up best.

which states first etc?
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Re: Best way to train youths

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you can't go far without stamina
you can't go fast enough without speed

Re: Best way to train youths

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aldebaran wrote:
you can't go far without stamina
you can't go fast enough without speed

how do you know when to switch to a different skill?

Re: Best way to train youths

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you don't
the best approach (imo) is to try and max out ASAP the "must have" skills

there's no point in keeping a 10@shooting player that has maxed out on 4@stamina/speed

those kind of players are a waist of money and time in MZ (unless you have all the money in the world and don't care :P )

this is what I do with my academy:

6 youths training in stamina
6 youths training in speed
the rest (11) go on Training Camps

all 23 alternate positions (speed/stamina/TC) until they pass the minimum level of speed/stamina that I want them to

after that I shift the focus on positional skill and control

mind you, I don't participate in any uXX tournaments!
If you plan on trying to have a go on one of those uXX tournaments, you might want to follow a different approach or shift the training focus from physical training to position training a bit earlier

The speed+stamina Training Camp Combo is your best friend, specially when it comes to 16 year olds. It helps you discard those early speed/stamina low level maxed out players early enough (if you are lucky, even before the season ends)

ps. wait a bit to get some more opinions from others. most of us have different approaches when it comes to youth training. Each manager has its own strategy that fits his playing style (ie sunday league manager (myself), trader manager, only uXX focus manager, etc etc)

Re: Best way to train youths

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Also runners with stamina and speed are not that useful without main skills, do not max players after the 8 ball if they are not maxed. Just switch to other skills,8 is a pretty solid base for any skills.

For example going from 8 to 10 balls could take like half a season and eventually the player to max at 5-6 on any other main skills.

Re: Best way to train youths

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I also focus on the speed/stamina approach. As I sometimes camp non-youth players I put the overflow players on ball control. If a player gets keeping in a YTC, I will put them on keeping to see where they max before focusing on any other skills.
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