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28-09-2024 07:10
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Football » English » Questions & Answers

Youth development and exchange Question

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My first question is:

When do you know to exchange one of your youth player who isn't developing as quickly as you'd like?

My second question is:

What type of youth is most known to develop quick? I.e. the ones with many balls or the ones with a few?
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Re: Youth development and exchange Question

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mayunga wrote:
When do you know to exchange one of your youth player who isn't developing as quickly as you'd like?

Usually youths are exchanged when they get maxed, or the new youth ( new ones every Tuesday ) has more balls.

mayunga wrote:
What type of youth is most known to develop quick? I.e. the ones with many balls or the ones with a few?

Each youth trains with different speed, despite the number of balls.

Re: Youth development and exchange Question

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Thank you.

How do you separate my questions like that?

Re: Youth development and exchange Question

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Press on quote on the right side of message, then delete what you don't want H
It's a bit of work but is worth it :D
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