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28-09-2024 09:57
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Football » English » Questions & Answers

Badge Design Questiion

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Hi all,

A returning player from many moons ago and the badge creator has been overhauled - which Im sure is great but I am struggling a tad with it, as you can probably see. lol

Simple question, which I hope has a simple answer - how do you flip an image? Like if i wanted to flip one of the swords so that I could create a mirror image on the other side, how would i do that?

If there is any tutorial / guide for the new editor, or any tips from you guys - that would be ideaaaal!

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Re: Badge Design Questiion

Badge image
Now that someone asked a question about the new badge editor, i've decided to open it for the first time :D I don't find that flipper either. Maybe someone more experienced can help ? :O

Re: Badge Design Questiion

Badge image
Odd. Tried it! Most objects could be rotated but when trying to rotate sword, it doesn't rotate! Stands in same position!
Edited: 08-06-2018 16:55
Total edits: 2
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