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28-09-2024 09:59
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Football » English » Questions & Answers

How do I connect the competition I participate to a federation?

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There is a button for connecting the competition you attend to your default federation.
As far as I know, you have to choose the federation you want as your default federation (if you are the member of multiple federations) and save , in order to help your federation to collect points according to your success in that cup.
But I can not choose any of my federations because that button is not enabled.
Anyone can tell me how to connect my federations to the competitions I participate in order to gain competition points for the federation I choose?
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Re: How do I connect the competition I participate to a federati

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From what i know, only the FL's that you create can be connected to a federation that you are a member to. I'm not sure about what points are you talking about.

Re: How do I connect the competition I participate to a federati

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Go to cup page which you would like to connect to your federation. Scroll down. There you'll see "Connect competition to your federation" select federation and press "save" and it is done.

This feature is enabled only to federation presidents! Right not you are not president in your federation so you cannot do it!
Edited: 04-06-2018 17:40
Total edits: 2

Re: How do I connect the competition I participate to a federati

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Yup, that explains the disabled Save button... Thanks for the solution.
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