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28-09-2024 07:13
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 89
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Australian Zone (Who to contact about running)

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I used to run the Zone 100 years ago...

No clue who to talk to about running it now.

Please advise.
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Re: Australian Zone (Who to contact about running)

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take a look at ur GB :)

Re: Australian Zone (Who to contact about running)

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I ran it last, wrote the whole thing basically myself for a couple of years before packing it in to move on with my life. I still have the Wordpress account details on me, but I've no interest in writing again.

If you are willing to write the entire thing yourself, good luck.

A few have enquired before you about starting it up again, but no one has the time anymore to it all by themselves when other people inevitably don't finish their articles and the HRA has to step in and do it all themselves.

A thankless task

Re: Australian Zone (Who to contact about running)

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Yeah... Did it years ago.. Mostly by myself.

Is good fun and something to kill a few hours a week :)

Re: Australian Zone (Who to contact about running)

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I previously inquired about this too but the workload and doing it all alone seemed way too much. I initially wanted try and create some kind of community feeling within Australia again which is lacking within the whole game too. I took over the presidency within the Australia Federation and made some posts and polls with little buy in. Running the national team now and regularly updating the Aussie community and posting match results still only gets traction from the same few people.

Starting the Zone up again would be great but if nobody is going to read it or help out producing material, it's not really worth it. I made a poll not that long in the federation about bringing the zone back but the participation again wasn't great.

If you can get other managers to commit to writing I'll happily cover the A-League and anything National Team. Good luck

Re: Australian Zone (Who to contact about running)

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It appears the Zone from nearly all 'English" speaking countries has dissolved into nothing.

A suggestion would be to make a joint "English" Zone with possibly Australia, England, USA and Canada to get the ball rolling again. Only need probably two managers from each country to write some basic material and see where it evolves too. Could post it one month under Australia and then the next as USA etc. Not typically how it's done but surely it's better than no zone from all those countries at all?

Re: Australian Zone (Who to contact about running)

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remember that you also have stats info from MZ live project, to help you analyze top league games much easier and do reports on them during the season and big sum up at the end
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