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11-06-2024 21:57
Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 71
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Football » English » Open Discussion

Mixed tactics

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The flank tactic has dominated the MZ for years. Many have been playing it for years because it simply brings more success. Many don't like it. I am one of those people. Not only that this tactic has negatively influenced the game, but because it is no longer relevant after 10 years. In real football, everyone knows that no team in the world uses flank tactics for 90 minutes. You could vary in the game with short pass, long balls and crosses. Why is something like this not tried in a beta sim times?
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Beantwortet: Mixed tactics

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Re: Mixed tactics

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Tactics from another game with totally different simulator from a developer with different resources..if you want that than there is another gamewith that possobility.

If you have ever been to top then you know that short passing is quite balanced against wings. not perfectly but it is what it is. and another issues should be looked when doing changes to sim right now like superman goalkeepers just to bring one example.

Beantwortet: Mixed tactics

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evosa wrote:
Tactics from another game with totally different simulator from a developer with different resources..if you want that than there is another game with that possibility.

If you have ever been to top, then you know that short passing is quite balanced against wings. Not perfectly but it is what it is. and another issues should be looked when doing changes to sim right now like superman goalkeepers just to bring one example.

It was just one example of many tactics. Why shouldn't a change in tactics work at MZ. There are so many ways to improve and change it. It should at least be considered, which you probably do, but it has remained the same for years...

Re: Mixed tactics

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evosa wrote:
Tactics from another game with totally different simulator from a developer with different resources..if you want that than there is another gamewith that possobility.

If you have ever been to top then you know that short passing is quite balanced against wings. not perfectly but it is what it is. and another issues should be looked when doing changes to sim right now like superman goalkeepers just to bring one example.

Ive been to the top world leagues and you are totally 100% wrong if you think short passing and wings are quite balanced, they are not. I was in the U23 prem league, I was the only SP team out of the 12 teams in there adn i was relegated in my first season with a very strong U23 teams.

Ive been in a few u23 Div1 leagues and it was the exact same, full of wing teams and me been the only SP team. If you look now I bet you would struggle to find 10 teams out of the top 4 divisions of either u23 and or u21 leagues that play just SP. Don't tell me it is balanced, as someone who has been there in both U21 and u23 world leagues it is not balanced at all, Wing totally dominates. As for seniors I will put my head on the line and say its the exact same as the U21 and u23 leagues, As ive been as far at div2 WL seniors and it was also full of wing teams.

I will concede 1 thing, and that is WL u18's are way more equal, this is how u21 and u23 leagues should be.

Re: Mixed tactics

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with youth teams yeah..wings is a thing that works best! I had mostly in mind seniors!
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