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28-09-2024 04:33
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Bring Back Power Soccer

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Edited: 28-09-2022 01:37
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Views: 708 Posts: 15
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Why ?


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Because it's so fun to play. Can you tell Powdersnow to bring it back?


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Nah i dont think so.Im sure they closed it down because it wasn't worth the effort.Not enough players etc because of giants like Fifa Pes and others
Hope they don't close down MZ the same way

Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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vivasvan20 wrote:
Nah i dont think so.Im sure they closed it down because it wasn't worth the effort.Not enough players etc because of giants like Fifa Pes and others
Hope they don't close down MZ the same way

Mz had more players than power soccer? only reason were still here is because its the closest reminder we have to such an iconic game, why not bring it back 6 years later and people are still asking about it, meanwhile all the OG top players of managerzone (atleast in ireland) have vanished

Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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if in doubt about players literally look at the post below we're here on managerzone for literally one reason. BRINGBACKPOWERSOCCER

Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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vivasvan20 wrote:
Hope they don't close down MZ the same way

Difference between a game like powersoccer and MZ is that MZ doesn't need matchmaking, you don't need to find a rival to play your games, cost of mantaining the game is probably very low so it can keep going forever as long as there are users still paying to play

Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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There are many ways to find suitable sponsors and bring the game back or even sell more customizations for players. Power Soccer was a fantastic game and it could be better explored.

The reason why Power Soccer lost many players was not about PES and FIFA. It was about lag, annoying hackers, and the "pay to win" style.

Players became tired of playing a game with many problems and I was one of them.

Those users playing with mouse had advantages over those who were playing with a keyboard... things that could be easily fixed if the game had just a little more attention.

There is still room for Power Soccer but it must improve a lot to bring old players back.

Vs: Bring Back Power Soccer

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fcfurious wrote:
The reason why Power Soccer lost many players was not about PES and FIFA. It was about lag, annoying hackers, and the "pay to win" style.

Players became tired of playing a game with many problems and I was one of them.

don´t forget how easy it was to exploit the goalkeeper. a little cross and the keeper had no idea what was going on. I would say that was the biggest problem :/

Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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I think this game has had its time like world cup guesses when people start betting before. Day by day the players are growing older and it's no longer popular as it was back in 2009-2011 when all my friends used to play it.referência

Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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Wow, I do remember Power Soccer from way back, but never thought that people were playing MZ as a side dish for PS. For me it was completely the other way around - I knew PS only because I've been playing MZ.

But i guess that strongly depends on when you started. In my case it was around 2001 (+-1 year) and then I stopped playing some time after PS was released. If I remember correctly, because those are such old days...


Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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My heart breaks every time I see a PS-related thread...

Oh my... I really miss PS.

Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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I really want to see Power Soccer to be brought back compared to Manager Zone. Compared to FIFA 16-23, Power Soccer is much more fun and definitely worth a club membership in some months that I have time to play during the year. I spent about $20 on FIFA 16-23 games every year during Thanksgiving season only, but I did not get as much fan as Power Soccer from those FIFA games released each year. In FIFA game, you had to build a new team in each version you buy but Power Soccer retains your favorite team without expiration or need to upgrade to a new version. If they bring back Power Soccer, I definitely will spend at least $20 on club membership in it every year.

I transitioned to manager zone from Power Soccer, but I never had interest in playing this manager zone game but check the forum for interesting posts occasionally.

Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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please bring PS back, the game I don't know if it was good in itself because years ago they didn't put a patch for the gameplay but what I always liked about that game and there is no other like fifa or pes was the battle of clans and the customization of your team, he also missed the chat rooms and his community, although several PS were transferred to managerzone it is not the same, I do not like mz for the simple fact that I cannot play my games and The AI ​​has to do them (and I really don't like it at all), hopefully they will resume bringing it back to PS, I would invest a lot of money there

Re: Bring Back Power Soccer

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I really miss power soccer. If there was one game I could bring back that would be it. Part of my childhood and life back in the 2010s has been missing ever since powersoccer shut down. It feels incomplete without it.

Beantwortet: Bring Back Power Soccer

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gianluca3103 wrote:
I really miss power soccer. If there was one game I could bring back that would be it. Part of my childhood and life back in the 2010s has been missing ever since powersoccer shut down. It feels incomplete without it.

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