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Tell me what you think gang,

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Here is a video for you guys to digest, if it doesn't make you sick to your stomach I don't know what would. This is for the people who believe we live in a democracy in the US. All other western countries are the same. Democracy and freedom is only an illusion and propaganda that can be taken away whenever those that rule us want to.
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Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
Im against women now? Of course I would vote if she wasn't corrupt like Hillary.

I didn't say that, I was just curious as one of the reasons some people voted for Trump is because "it's a job for a man", you support Trump who's a lot more corrupt though...

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Funny reasoning Trump has, if you disagree with him you're a so-called judge and any polls that don't go his way or agree with what he thinks are automatically fake polls.... there's people that actually buy this bs?

Also, the so-called President is launching an investigation on the allegedly "illegal voters" and irregularities..... funny thing is that members of his family & people from his stuff are registered to vote on two states, so he might be up to something ;)
Edited: 06-02-2017 16:12
Total edits: 1

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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It's like watching greek politics. you're sure you're not "copy/pasting" us? :P

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
I didn't say that, I was just curious as one of the reasons some people voted for Trump is because "it's a job for a man", you support Trump who's a lot more corrupt though...

Trump a lot more corrupt??? Hilary got over a billion dollars for her campaign. Do you really think that all those that gave money to Hillary just were charitable. Than you got the email scandal that you just seem to ignore like nothing happened. Her foundation fraud. List goes on and on and on and on.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
. Than you got the email scandal that you just seem to ignore like nothing happened. Her foundation fraud. List goes on and on and on and on.

You mean foundation fraud like Trump University fraud? And as for the emails... did you know that Trump’s senior staff including counselor Kellyanne Conway, senior advisor and first son-in-law Jared Kushner, Spicer, and Bannon had active private emails under the Republican National Committee server as of one week ago.

But at least, Hillary didn't had as much conflicts of interests, like imagine... you go crazy on your war anti-terrorism and decide to take "extreme" measures and ban "bad people" but then you forget to ban Countries that actually committed terrorist acts just because you have business interests in those Countries.... you know the nationalities of the people involved in 9-11? Check it and then come back and tell me.... or what about the last attack in France that Trump was just twitting about, you know what Country that person is from? I don't want to spoil it for you so look it up...

In any case, banning people from nations is questionable, but if you go that extreme route... not banning people from nations that actually commited terrorist attacks is just idiotic (or smart, if you have business interests ;))

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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And btw.... The president has failed to place his real estate empire in a blind trust—instead, it’s being run by his sons, Eric and Donald, Jr., who could very easily share valuable business information with the leader of the free world that could make him an even richer man. Unsavory? Indeed. But it’s also a potential violation of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from profiting from elected office, and, technically, is an impeachable offense. (Shouldn’t this be where the chanting of lock him up, lock him up starts?)

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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My Daddy always said that voting for a President is trying to decide who is the best crook.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:

Here is a video for you guys to digest, if it doesn't make you sick to your stomach I don't know what would. This is for the people who believe we live in a democracy in the US. All other western countries are the same. Democracy and freedom is only an illusion and propaganda that can be taken away whenever those that rule us want to.

You're such a hypocrite.... you shed a tear because of this video (which is accurate, because the country picked Hillary as a majority but you know... that whole electoral college thing) but yet you cheer on when Trump puts up exxon executives in powerful positions and many other people that have conflict of interest in power......

If you are so scared that our "freedoms" might be taken away, then you should be terrified and oppose a President like Trump

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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@darkline I like how you did not respond at all to Hillary getting 1.2 billion for her campaign talk about conflict of interest. That is bribery, made legal.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:
My Daddy always said that voting for a President is trying to decide who is the best crook.

the best crook lost this time

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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maxiromamanny wrote:
You're such a hypocrite.... you shed a tear because of this video (which is accurate, because the country picked Hillary as a majority but you know... that whole electoral college thing) but yet you cheer on when Trump puts up exxon executives in powerful positions and many other people that have conflict of interest in power......

If you are so scared that our "freedoms" might be taken away, then you should be terrified and oppose a President like Trump

go away

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
go away


Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
the best crook lost this time

Well yes, but he still was made President because in the USA, popular vote doesn't matter.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
@darkline I like how you did not respond at all to Hillary getting 1.2 billion for her campaign talk about conflict of interest. That is bribery, made legal.

Well, you're saying yourself it's legal.... what it's constitutionally illegal is to have conflicts of interests.

In any case, Trump for example used campaign donations to buy $55,000 of his own book, , illegally solicited donations from foreign nationals and he was fined multiple times for campaign contribution violations...

So basically, you have a problem with legal funds received by Hillary but don't have any issues with illegal funds & crazy expending of funds by Trump.... it's not surprising, fits pretty much with the whole Trump supporters logic.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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And since we're on subject and you're so concerned about knowing the truth....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Well, you're saying yourself it's legal

so you see nothing wrong with that?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
so you see nothing wrong with that?

In any case, the so-called President Trump won the electoral college and did questionable and illegal stuff worst than anything Hillary did, so why does it matter what I think?

I already told you what I think, Hillary wasn't a good candidate and I don't particularly like her, but Trump is 1000 worst than anyone else, the guy is a celebrity pretending to be President and he acts as if his presidency is a reality show, even his cabinet seems build for a reality show with all those wackos ready to create conflict and drama..... I mean, Bush ruined the economy of the USA, led the USA to a war under false pretenses, etc. etc. and with that said, if the two candidates where Bush & Trump, I'd pick Bush any day....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
In any case, the so-called President Trump won the electoral college and did questionable and illegal stuff worst than anything Hillary did, so why does it matter what I think?

Trump did not create the electoral college. So where is his fault? What questionable and illegal stuff that is worse than what Hillary did?

darkline wrote:
Trump is 1000 worst than anyone else,

can you at least prove it. We can all accuse.

darkline wrote:
the guy is a celebrity pretending to be President and he acts as if his presidency is a reality show,

He as already kept more promises that Obama did in 8 years.

darkline wrote:
I mean, Bush ruined the economy of the USA, led the USA to a war under false pretenses, etc. etc. and with that said, if the two candidates where Bush & Trump, I'd pick Bush any day....

Thats tough, Im speechless.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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I wonder why this thread still going , there no point

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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kbssa-costa wrote:
I wonder why this thread still going , there no point

I don't know, maybe it just don't want to die? ;)

albeagle wrote:
He as already kept more promises that Obama did in 8 years.

Examples? He said he'll bring more jobs, factories, etc. etc... where are they? He said he'll build a wall and Mexico will pay it, he might build a wall but Mexico is not paying for sure, it's going to be taxpayers money, he repealed obamacare and said he's putting in a wonderful plan... so where's the plan? I don't think they have one... so far, people is entertained and distracted about his reality show presidency but when it comes to delivering the goods, it's all smoke & mirrors.

albeagle wrote:
can you at least prove it. We can all accuse.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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kbssa-costa wrote:
I wonder why this thread still going , there no point

Free education about the world. Don't tell me you didn't learn anything. People pay money for this type of information we gladly do it for free.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Examples? He said he'll bring more jobs, factories, etc. etc... where are they? He said he'll build a wall and Mexico will pay it, he might build a wall but Mexico is not paying for sure, it's going to be taxpayers money, he repealed obamacare and said he's putting in a wonderful plan... so where's the plan? I don't think they have one... so far, people is entertained and distracted about his reality show presidency but when it comes to delivering the goods, it's all smoke & mirrors.

You must be joking hes only been president for 2 weeks.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:

He as already kept more promises that Obama did in 8 years.

albeagle wrote:
You must be joking hes only been president for 2 weeks.

Someone is going in circles.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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I can't keep up.


Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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(this is the english version, it has also been posted in turkish,arabic and other languages)


is this because US gave tanks to kurdish forces?
is this in order to stir up more US hatred in the islamic world (as the greek journalist that posted this image, claims in his article)?
or is this something that can be used in favour of mr.Trump's "closed borders" policy?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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*the greek journo reposted the image

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:
Someone is going in circles.

You can't seriously expect the wall to be build in 2 weeks. It is on its way as well as Obama care getting repealed. Trump has done other things, such as cutting regulations for businesses, ending TPP etc. But you guys listen to the media who are only attacking.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:

(this is the english version, it has also been posted in turkish,arabic and other languages)


is this because US gave tanks to kurdish forces?
is this in order to stir up more US hatred in the islamic world (as the greek journalist that posted this image, claims in his article)?
or is this something that can be used in favour of mr.Trump's "closed borders" policy?

The US gave Tanks to ISIS and all the weapons they posses. Yes the US are stirring up hatred in the middle east.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Immigration 101

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Trump 'shows true face of US,' says Iran's Supreme Leader

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Tuesday that he's grateful to President Donald Trump for showing "the true face of the US."

Khamenei reportedly told the commanders: "We however thank this new guy in the White House, since he largely did the job we had been trying to do in the past decades: to divulge the true face of the US. We had been working to show the world the depth of corruption in US government and ranks and files of the ruling elite; Trump did it in few days after coming to the White House."

He added: "Their claims to human rights are no longer tenable."

Khamenei also made an apparent reference to the five-year-old son of an Iranian mother who was detained at a US airport following Trump's ban on visas for seven Muslim-majority countries, including Iran.

According to Iran's official news agency, IRNA, the Ayatollah said: "Presently, too, by embarking on such actions, like putting handcuffs on a five-year-old kid, he [Trump] is demonstrating the reality behind the American human rights."


I said before, Trump is taking giant leaps towards helping the cause of ISIS and the islamic extremists by fueling their ideals.......

albeagle wrote:
The US gave Tanks to ISIS and all the weapons they posses. Yes the US are stirring up hatred in the middle east.

And in your own words....

albeagle wrote:
can you at least prove it. We can all accuse.
Edited: 07-02-2017 15:38
Total edits: 1

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:

Well in Argentina there are no limits to immigration, anyone can come and settle with no limits other than passing a criminal check background and finding a job or studying, you have free public health and also free education on the Universities at all levels, people actually come from other Countries to use the free Universities, then some stay and some leave but the Country is not collapsing.

GDP in Argentina is the #2 in S.America and up until last month unemployment was lower than the average in the EU, this month went up due to issues related to the new CEO we have as President, ironically, the President is a millonaire that's a CEO of and also friend of Trump and he was elected because people wanted "change" due to just being tired of the corruption of the traditional political party that had rule the Country for the past 15 years, the name of his political party is "Change" so that should give you an idea.... the main problem is governmental corruption.... that's the thing that always drag the Country down, not immigration but the corrupt politicians.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Trump 'shows true face of US,' says Iran's Supreme Leader

So out of everyone you had to find the Iran political leader. Trump is pro Israel, Iran and Israel don't get along. Don't expect Iran's leader to say flattering things about Trump. ISIS was created by Trump's predecessors.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
So out of everyone you had to find the Iran political leader. Trump is pro Israel, Iran and Israel don't get along. Don't expect Iran's leader to say flattering things about Trump. ISIS was created by Trump's predecessors.

Do you know many Islamic Countries that are pro-Israel? Name one....

albeagle wrote:
ISIS was created by Trump's predecessors.

Really? Prove it... we can all accuse....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
So out of everyone you had to find the Iran political leader. Trump is pro Israel, Iran and Israel don't get along. Don't expect Iran's leader to say flattering things about Trump. ISIS was created by Trump's predecessors.

How about England?

Donald Trump Is Not Welcome To Address Parliament, U.K. Speaker Declares

A top-ranking British lawmaker vowed on Monday to block President Donald Trump from speaking before the U.K. Parliament in the historic Westminster Hall, citing that body’s opposition to racism and sexism and its support for equality and an independent judiciary.

In a blistering statement before the House of Commons, Speaker John Bercow said he was “strongly opposed” to Trump addressing Parliament during an upcoming state visit to the U.K.

“I would not wish to issue an invitation to President Trump to speak,” Bercow said. While British lawmakers value their country’s relationship with the United States, he said, “I feel very strongly that our opposition to racism and to sexism and our support for equality before the law and an independent judiciary are hugely important considerations in the House of Commons.”

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Do you know many Islamic Countries that are pro-Israel? Name one...

How about Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Emirates. Just to name a few all puppets of Israel.

darkline wrote:
Really? Prove it... we can all accuse....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
How about England?

Donald Trump Is Not Welcome To Address Parliament, U.K. Speaker Declares

A top-ranking British lawmaker vowed on Monday to block President Donald Trump from speaking before the U.K. Parliament in the historic Westminster Hall, citing that body’s opposition to racism and sexism and its support for equality and an independent judiciary.

In a blistering statement before the House of Commons, Speaker John Bercow said he was “strongly opposed” to Trump addressing Parliament during an upcoming state visit to the U.K.

“I would not wish to issue an invitation to President Trump to speak,” Bercow said. While British lawmakers value their country’s relationship with the United States, he said, “I feel very strongly that our opposition to racism and to sexism and our support for equality before the law and an independent judiciary are hugely important considerations in the House of Commons.”

I told you who owns Britains politicians

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
How about Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Emirates. Just to name a few all puppets of Israel.

LOL! Where do you get your facts? Trump factoids? ?

Israel and Saudi Arabia have no formal diplomatic relations. The Saudis do not even recognize Israel as a state. Israel – United Arab Emirates relations also don't exist. The United Arab Emirates does not recognize Israel as a state and the two countries do not have diplomatic or economic relations.

Egypt? Israel is building a wall on their border and armed conflicts ended up with soldiers dead from both Countries.

That Trump has business on those Countries and therefore didn't ban them, doesn't mean they're pro-Israel....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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So what's your point? That Trump is going to invade all those Countries and it's clearing the path? Wouldn't surprise me, that Trump is going to start wars is pretty much what I said before.....

Btw, I didn't watch your video because it's just a 2 minutes excerpt and things can be taken out of context, I read the full transcript...

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
LOL! Where do you get your facts? Trump factoids? ?

Israel and Saudi Arabia have no formal diplomatic relations. The Saudis do not even recognize Israel as a state. Israel – United Arab Emirates relations also don't exist. The United Arab Emirates does not recognize Israel as a state and the two countries do not have diplomatic or economic relations.

Egypt? Israel is building a wall on their border and armed conflicts ended up with soldiers dead from both Countries.

That Trump has business on those Countries and therefore didn't ban them, doesn't mean they're pro-Israel....

This thread is really going no where. Dude lets get something straight. If Saudi Arabia would really be against Israel they would not be an ally of the US. You know where the ISIS fighter come from? Saudi Arabia, UAE. Israel helps the wounded ISIS fighters in its hospitals. The US funds them with weapons. All US allies are helping and funding ISIS to overthrow Syria.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
So what's your point?

You don't get the point? That the gov is lying to you with all the propaganda. They had already decided in going to war with Iraq and like general Clark said last stop is Iran. Its quite obvious that they wanted war with Iran. Using sanctions against them, you know the story.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Ok... Israel & USA help Isis and all this is proven by the fact that the US has good relations with UAE :O

So basically, you're saying Trump is now funding ISIS while he pretends to fight them....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Ok... Israel & USA help Isis and all this is proven by the fact that the US has good relations with UAE :O

So basically, you're saying Trump is now funding ISIS while he pretends to fight them....

not Trump his predecessors. Thats how it works. Think about it, an army needs weapons food everything. Where in the world did Isis get their ammunition to fight a war that has lasted for years now? They don't produce their own weapons. Why the US rather go after Assad than ISIS does that make sense. Hard to believe but its the truth. A modern army like can easily defeat ISIS but the west is letting them do whatever thy want, and will not let Russia intervene either. Think about it just connect the dots.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Here's the pic...maxi
Edited: 08-02-2017 03:43
Total edits: 1

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:

Here's the pic...maxi

haha, appreciate it.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Connect the dots, I've heard that before, I wonder where...

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Oh it's a game

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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This is how much Trump is loved around the globe....






Hong Kong


Seriously, what other USA President attracted all this love from people around the world in just 2 weeks? The world loves Trump and Trump loves everyone :P
Edited: 08-02-2017 09:55
Total edits: 1

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:

LOL, I remember this episode!
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