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Tell me what you think gang,

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Here is a video for you guys to digest, if it doesn't make you sick to your stomach I don't know what would. This is for the people who believe we live in a democracy in the US. All other western countries are the same. Democracy and freedom is only an illusion and propaganda that can be taken away whenever those that rule us want to.
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Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Also, it feels like he's preparing to go to war with Iran.... just read his last twits.

Or maybe invade Mexico? Since he also threatened to send U.S. troops to Mexico to stop “bad hombres,” during a phone call with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

But then again, there's a mounting possibility of military confrontation between the US and China... there's going to be a documentary on this tonight..
Edited: 02-02-2017 14:17
Total edits: 1

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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And aemi won't like this, but he also had an argument and hang up the phone on the Australian PM and rumor has it he's about to place an extreme ban kangaroos.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
yes, i can agree to all that

remember , i live in greece, a country which is in a deadlock situation (actually we're not in a deadlock...we can get up on our feet but it requires sacrifices and a big reality check from not only our politicians but from our citizens too...but that's for another topic)

but what is the alternative? anarchy? rebellion? ww3?

I think leaving the European Union would be a start. Greece was doing great before joining the European Union. It will be very tough at first, but eventually things would improve. All the countries involved need to get out of it and go back to their currencies they had. The European Union was created by those on top as part of the world government. Those on top like I said want a one world government no Independent countries like the European Union. Like what they working on here with the North American Union. And the puppet politicians do what they are told or they are removed from office. They don't get the funds to run a campaign. Are demonized by the media which is a tool of them.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Does it make sense what Merkel is doing in Germany with all the refugees. That is suicide what shes doing and what all those European leaders are doing to their countries. But they do what they are told simple as that. They don't work for their people but for their masters that push for world government.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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being humane is not a bad thing

as for joining EU, I don't think it was a bad thing...
joining the monetary union on the other hand...that was probably suicidal in the long run

I could go on and write pages on the issue, but's not even worth it anymore

after the shit we got into because of our inadequate politicians (populism runs rampant in greece since the 80s) and our inability to embrace reality, the only solution is to accept that we're bankrupt, reform asap and hope to get back on track sometime before the sun goes out :P

the main problem with EU is that it's not running as a union of equality
and that it tried to achieve economic union before achieving a political one (at least for me)

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Also, it feels like he's preparing to go to war with Iran.... just read his last twits.

Or maybe invade Mexico? Since he also threatened to send U.S. troops to Mexico to stop “bad hombres,” during a phone call with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto.

But then again, there's a mounting possibility of military confrontation between the US and China... there's going to be a documentary on this tonight..

Helping Mexico with their battle against "bad hombres" (cartels) is not a bad thing but not with military force.

Trump's lack of diplomacy and the idea of protectionism leaves me wondering whether the U.S. will have any allies to help us in any military skirmishes or war...scary.

I believe we have found a new race in the is called "idiotism"...don't know if it is a religion...or related to any particular color...but it seems to be predominant in the U.S. on the streets and in the government.

I would not be surprised if the Trump Tower in some location will be the next target of radical groups.

Despite all my negativity, I believe in the end Americans will prevail and be united...regardless of the Trumpism occurring at the present.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Being humane is not a bad thing at all but not at your own risk. And like we have agreed here the refugees are mostly men from all over Asia, Africa and not Syria. Why is Europe taking all these people you got Israel and Saudi Arabia taking a big fat 0 refuges, but anyway,

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:
Despite all my negativity, I believe in the end Americans will prevail and be united...regardless of the Trumpism occurring at the present.

I have my doubts when I see the media creating so much division. Everything Trump does is called racist. You got black lives matter funded to create unrest. I think things will get much worse.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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perhaps because israel's and saudi arabia's attitude towards immigrants are less humane?
when one migrates, he usually tries to go to a better place

but I understand what you're talking about. most of the people trying to move into other countries are illegal immigrants and not refugees

though how can one achieve to stop illegal immigration when there's such inequality all over the world?

helping immigrants/refugees is the west world's redemption of taking advantage other poor countries (ie buying a cheap pair of jeans made in a sweatshop in india/china) and also the need to prove one's "social" superiority

there are also people who like to help anyone no matter the reason, either because of ideology (see free borders, no nations etc) or because they are simply good samaritans

but what can be done to stop all this?

enforce world wide democracy in every nation? I'm still waiting to see it work. lots of countries had democracy enforces to them by a foreign power...yet only in papers

enforce world wide equality on everyone about everything? utopian socialism is even more of a dream than communism

are there really any alternatives?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:
Helping Mexico with their battle against "bad hombres" (cartels) is not a bad thing but not with military force.

I agree, he should have offered the help of the DEA or something, but the way he put it out made it sound like "either get those "bad hombres" or we'll bombard the hideouts where we think they're hiding" or something...... and I know I'm sounding extremist, I don't really think he'll invade Mexico but the funny thing with Trump brand of craziness is that I just can't be a 100% sure nothing insane like that couldn't actually happen.

dowopado wrote:
I would not be surprised if the Trump Tower in some location will be the next target of radical groups.

Most likely, and he's giving fuel to ISIS by really siding with Catholicism and against ISLAM, he's really mixing religion with politics now and fanatics will consider this sort of the confirmation that it's a Holy War....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
though how can one achieve to stop illegal immigration when there's such inequality all over the world?

The same people that create all the wars are the same that create the poverty. Who profits form the blood diamonds in Africa? The bankers they are the ones ate the very top of the pyramid. Libya was one of the wealthiest countries in Africa with Gaddafi the west took him out and Libya is in chaos. How about we let people be.

aldebaran wrote:
helping immigrants/refugees is the west world's redemption of taking advantage other poor countries (ie buying a cheap pair of jeans made in a sweatshop in india/china) and also the need to prove one's "social" superiority

that is just propaganda. Just like the Germans feeling guilty for WW2, In reality Germany was not the reason of WW1 and WW2.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
I have my doubts when I see the media creating so much division. Everything Trump does is called racist.

How can you possible know if Trump is racist or not, if you don't even seem to remotely understand the meaning of the word?

Btw, he's more than racist, Trump is a biggot.

Definition of bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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do you have a solution for the problem? that's what I'm asking

I don't care who caused the problem...I can't go back in time nor can I point to "undo" with my mouse cursor and click a button

what I care for is to find a solution

are you fighting for a solution or are you just fighting to point fingers ?

who said germans are trying to be helpful because of ww2? I think they only try to be helpful in order not to let their society become full of degenerates. the way to social evolution is by helping others, not looking after only your arse. What's the reason of having societies (ie cities) if all we ever gonna do is look after for own self interests?

unless of course your ideology is "eat or be eaten", in which case there's no point in arguing anymore :P

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
I have my doubts when I see the media creating so much division. Everything Trump does is called racist. You got black lives matter funded to create unrest. I think things will get much worse.

I hate the media...they have way too much influence on the public because the people are clueless in how to read/watch the a whole the news media are too reactionary...create bias opinions...and sometimes misinterpret the truth in haste...and do it redundantly. However, they are a force in keeping the federal and state politicians, as well as, the governmental agencies including law enforcement agencies in check, and hold them accountable for the actions, or lack of actions.

So I watch and read the media as a source of information from a different point of view but never to the point I believe everything they air or print. People have to learn to be very objective and not be swayed by the media...but how do you teach this quality to the "average Joes"??? Maybe this should be part of the education process in the high school years by parents and teachers, especially, since the voting age is 18+.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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The media is always biased, there isn't such a thing as objective and neutral media, you have media outlets like CNN & FOX , both are biased but the minute the President starts calling one fake news and praising the other one.... that's just really bad.

And why did I subscribe to Trump's twitter? The guy is just too much! He just re-twitted a news that Samsung may build a factory in the USA and commented "We would love to have you" and includes a link to the story:

The story is very short, it's this:

Samsung is considering constructing a U.S. factory to produce home appliances, per Reuters. If the plan comes to fruition, Samsung would join Whirlpool as the only major appliance companies that manufacture in the United States.

A win-win: Companies can grab headlines with news of even considering bringing production to the U.S., and the Trump White House benefits from the ability to take credit. These moves may not add up to significant job growth, but it's hard to beat the PR.

I mean.... that's what I call fake news, LOL

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
what I care for is to find a solution

The solution is exposing who is behind the curtain and not be played like fools. That is what Im trying to do. Knowledge is power. If people really know what is happening they would not let it happen. It is very hard to convince people they keep fighting each other.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:
I hate the media...they have way too much influence on the public because the people are clueless in how to read/watch the a whole the news media are too reactionary...create bias opinions...and sometimes misinterpret the truth in haste...and do it redundantly. However, they are a force in keeping the federal and state politicians, as well as, the governmental agencies including law enforcement agencies in check, and hold them accountable for the actions, or lack of actions.

First you say the media is bias than you say they are a force in keeping the politicians in check. How does that work? The media are a tool of the people controlling things and they promote whatever their agenda is. If a candidate ike Trump does not follow that agenda he will be attacked.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
How can you possible know if Trump is racist or not, if you don't even seem to remotely understand the meaning of the word?

Btw, he's more than racist, Trump is a biggot.

Definition of bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

To you everything is racist. So he ordered a TEMPORARY immigration ban on some Muslim countries because he wants to make sure who we bring in and that is racist to you? He talks about ILLEGAL immigrants not legal immigrants. If he was racist he would talk about both Illegal and legal immigration in a negative manner. He says he likes Mexicans but doesn't like Illegal Immigrants. Where is the racism bro???

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
I mean.... that's what I call fake news, LOL

whats so fake about it. Ford already has said will build plants in the US. You got a lot of companies that are doing the same. Where is the fake news??

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
To you everything is racist. So he ordered a TEMPORARY immigration ban on some Muslim countries because he wants to make sure who we bring in and that is racist to you? He talks about ILLEGAL immigrants not legal immigrants. If he was racist he would talk about both Illegal and legal immigration in a negative manner. He says he likes Mexicans but doesn't like Illegal Immigrants. Where is the racism bro???

He banned legal immigrants from going back to their Country of Residence (USA), you do know that, correct? And also, since you're talking legal immigration... you do know that Trump wants to limit the H1-B visas that the technical industry needs so badly? Right?

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
whats so fake about it. Ford already has said will build plants in the US. You got a lot of companies that are doing the same. Where is the fake news??

darkline wrote:

A win-win: Companies can grab headlines with news of even considering bringing production to the U.S., and the Trump White House benefits from the ability to take credit. These moves may not add up to significant job growth, but it's hard to beat the PR.

Ok, the fake news is that Samsung is using Trump as a tool for PR.... and Trump is such a tool that he doesn't even realize it, even when on the article they're mentioning it.... it's hilarious.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
He banned legal immigrants from going back to their Country of Residence (USA), you do know that, correct? And also, since you're talking legal immigration... you do know that Trump wants to limit the H1-B visas that the technical industry needs so badly? Right?

do you know what TEMPORARY means. What makes you so sure that the technical industry needs HI-B visas so badly. Why not think about hiring Americans first. There is a lot of unemployment here. You got people working part time jobs that have gone to colleges and have loans why not them getting a decent job, and we need people with visas to take our jobs.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
What makes you so sure that the technical industry needs HI-B visas so badly. Why not think about hiring Americans first.

You think Companies would go through the lengthy, costly and hard process of getting specialized workers abroad if they could just hire Americans?

albeagle wrote:
There is a lot of unemployment here.

Well it's at a 9 year low at just 4.7% but if you say so.....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
First you say the media is bias than you say they are a force in keeping the politicians in check. How does that work? The media are a tool of the people controlling things and they promote whatever their agenda is. If a candidate ike Trump does not follow that agenda he will be attacked.

News is always their agenda because it creates viewership...they follow Trump's agenda because he is news...they follow Trump's Cabinet and Administrator'a agenda because they are news...

The media can report the news badly...but reporting everything they do is a good thing.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
The solution is exposing who is behind the curtain and not be played like fools. That is what Im trying to do. Knowledge is power. If people really know what is happening they would not let it happen. It is very hard to convince people they keep fighting each other.

people know what's going on, you should not worry about that. the problem is what can they do? They don't need nobody pointing fingers, even if they get fooled once or twice, then the 3rd time they will know what's going on...

again...what is the solution? people need solutions, not someone to blame. Always blaming someone leads to hatred and then one doing the blaming just sitting around doing nothing or something of the opposite extreme, like taking up guns and start shooting people because their race happened to be blamed by someone.

give me a solution, not someone to blame. there's no point in telling me who is to blame if i can not find a solution

albeagle wrote:
First you say the media is bias than you say they are a force in keeping the politicians in check. How does that work? The media are a tool of the people controlling things and they promote whatever their agenda is. If a candidate ike Trump does not follow that agenda he will be attacked.

"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of thing...

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
You got people working part time jobs that have gone to colleges and have loans why not them getting a decent job, and we need people with visas to take our jobs.

I think the reason is capitalism and greed...but then again what do I know :P

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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dowopado wrote:
but reporting everything they do is a good thing.

The media would not investigate what wikileaks put out there. Even though you might not believe in wikieaks you had officials in the DNC that resigned due to the information that was released by them. They did not question Hillary on many things. So what kind of exposure you talking about? Making up stories like the MLK bust removed by Trump, or all the racial division they are creating.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
people know what's going on, you should not worry about that.

No they don't if they did they would not get involved with black lives matter or protesting because the media said Trump was racist. Or get involved in religious wars. Everything you can think of from racial division, man vs woman, Christian vs Muslim, gay vs straight is all created by design. And people keep getting caught on it that tells me they are clueless about things. What you do is give more power to the people. Make government small, not to interfere to much.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
Making up stories like the MLK bust removed by Trump, or all the racial division they are creating.

Seriously, who cares about the bust? They made a mistake and then fixed, it's not like Trump that usually perpetuates lies and try to pass fiction as facts all the time...

And the racial division is created by Trump own actions, it's not just racial, it's just plain bigotry, now wait until he passes the "Religious Freedom" executive order that was leaked..... let's just hope he doesn't or that this is actually "fake news" but if it happens to be real, it basically legalizes discrimination and creates exceptions for people and organizations who claim religious objections to same-sex marriage, premarital sex, abortion, and trans identity.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
You think Companies would go through the lengthy, costly and hard process of getting specialized workers abroad if they could just hire Americans?

Trust me companies would not do anything that would profit them. They get cheaper labor.

darkline wrote:
Well it's at a 9 year low at just 4.7% but if you say so.....

they are not the real numbers, they don't count people that have given up in looking for work. . The unemployment is much higher.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Seriously, who cares about the bust? They made a mistake and then fixed, it's not like Trump that usually perpetuates lies and try to pass fiction as facts all the time....

the bust was only one example because I don't feel like going back and looking for the other lies. The wall is not racist is just building a border we don't have one now. The freedom of religion order is not racist either. I don't see the racism sorry.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
I think the reason is capitalism and greed...but then again what do I know :P

nothing is perfect but we don't have true capitalism. We got the rich getting more and more richer and more powerful the poor getting poorer. No competition a few corporations own everything. That is not true capitalism.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
they are not the real numbers, they don't count people that have given up in looking for work. . The unemployment is much higher.

Well, waiting for Trump the Honest to publish the REAL numbers this month

I'm guessing if you're right, the numbers should spike up top whatever your imagination tells you.... and then when those numbers are up it will prove that either you're wrong or Trump government is lying....

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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What I would find racist for me would be if he said all Mexicans need to go all people of color need to go. That is racism but I don't see that happening.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
No they don't if they did they would not get involved with black lives matter

you mean that black lives(or any other race/colour) don't matter?

albeagle wrote:
or protesting because the media said Trump was racist

are you sure it's because of the media and not because what he did/say offended them as human beings ?

albeagle wrote:
Or get involved in religious wars.

that's because their fundamentalists, lack a proper education and are being oppressed, with no alternatives. I doubt you will find a christian/muslim (or whatever other religion) with a proper education, a proper job and a proper standard of living that would give everything up and go suicide bombing fellow human beings. Heck...I doubt even if a poor man that's ok in his mind and not a religious fanatic would do anything like that...

and even though I'm an atheist and I couldn't care less for religion, I haven't heard any head of major religion spreading do know that the big heads of catholicism,orthodoxy and islam gather once in a while to have chat, don't you?

albeagle wrote:
Everything you can think of from racial division, man vs woman, Christian vs Muslim, gay vs straight is all created by design. And people keep getting caught on it that tells me they are clueless about things.

excuse but I'm confused... aren't you against LGBTs? aren't you against equal rights and same gender marriage? didn't you say that everything has to do with the Jews (racial) ?

you mean to tell me that you're one of those clueless that you're talking about?
pardon me if I misunderstood this (after all english is not my native language)

albeagle wrote:
What you do is give more power to the people. Make government small, not to interfere to much.

that's something that I can agree with you

but do the people get this power for themselves? how do you manage to keep the government small when all it wants to do is dictate this and that...cause in the government and in politics is where the big bucks are

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
nothing is perfect but we don't have true capitalism. We got the rich getting more and more richer and more powerful the poor getting poorer. No competition a few corporations own everything. That is not true capitalism.

then you need rules, a not so open market, moderation of prices and other things that will dictate how the game will be're started leaning to the left my friend ;)

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
the bust was only one example because I don't feel like going back and looking for the other lies. The wall is not racist is just building a border we don't have one now. The freedom of religion order is not racist either. I don't see the racism sorry.

Freedom of religion is discriminatory, not racist, that's bigotry for you... it's more than racism.

Anyway, on the wall, you said you don't like jews, now imagine your neighbor is jew and you have a really short fence in your backyard, you don't like jews and you don't want to see him, so you decide to change the small fence for a large brick wall...

Now whether you're being racist or not if you do that, I'm guessing by your usual comments that you'll say you're not, because that's what you've been saying all along..... but do you think your neighbor should pay for your wall and would you feel entitled to send him the bill?
Edited: 02-02-2017 22:17
Total edits: 1

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
then you need rules, a not so open market, moderation of prices and other things that will dictate how the game will be're started leaning to the left my friend ;)

Been there, done that.... moderation of prices absolutely doesn't work, all it happens is that you can't buy the stuff that has their prices moderated, basic stuff like milk, eggs, etc... there's the black market, but it beats the purpose..

This is what purchasing stuff in the supermarket on a controlled prices Country looks like:

Edited: 02-02-2017 22:23
Total edits: 1

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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you should have seen greece before joining EU (before the monetary union)

the tariffs alone made purchasing electronics a luxury !

tariffs and moderation are good only when you can sustain your population and your economy. nowadays everything is based on trade.

but I think albeagle talks about breaking down monopolies/trusts and give breathing air to smaller companies. there are some rules about this in EU and I'm sure there must be sth similar in US. problem is that the economy "servers" do not reset, so the "biggies" will continue to be big no matter what (unless they screw up managerial or otherwise (see scandals))

capitalism is all about giving equal be eaten by the next big fish :P

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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though (in greece) we had enough to feed and sustain our population...something we can't do at all at the moment

not to mention that the plebs will get restless if they can't buy the next samsung/iphone thingy :P

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Well, he's building a wall with Canada and you're paying it, got to secure those borders, first Mexico, next Canada and he just needs to figure out how to build a wall around Hawaii and who's paying and he's done.....[/quote}

Don't look now but I heard a rumor that the USA will be annexing Canada to house DT's ego. Executive order to be released shortly.

On the plus side, now they won't have the expense of that interior wall for Alaska.


Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
you mean that black lives(or any other race/colour) don't matter?

All Lives matter not just black lives.

aldebaran wrote:
are you sure it's because of the media and not because what he did/say offended them as human beings ?

Trump said nothing racist to be offended. The media is turning everything to look racist.

aldebaran wrote:
excuse but I'm confused... aren't you against LGBTs? aren't you against equal rights and same gender marriage? didn't you say that everything has to do with the Jews (racial) ?

I don't know what you mean here but if youre asking me if am for equal rights of course I am. But what you have being pushed down our throat is division. Transgender population is minuscule yet they are making such a big deal to build transgender bathrooms. Just more problems that we don't need. Feminism is bs, created to destroy the family. Now you got women putting career first before having a family. The racial division created our of nothing.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:

Anyway, on the wall, you said you don't like jews, now imagine your neighbor is jew and you have a really short fence in your backyard, you don't like jews and you don't want to see him, so you decide to change the small fence for a large brick wall...

I don't know how you come up with this because Trump has not said he doesn't like Mexicans. So I don't get your point.

I didn't say I don't like Jews. im just exposing them. I don't know if you read this article but its from Winston Churchill. I don't think he was anti semitic. In this article he talks about some of the things I was saying.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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darkline wrote:
Fbut do you think your neighbor should pay for your wall and would you feel entitled to send him the bill?

Well that doesn't sound that right, but there are reasons for it. You don't just say things like that for no reason.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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aldebaran wrote:
you should have seen greece before joining EU (before the monetary union)

I been in Greece before they joined the EU, in Athens. They were doing really good back than, good standard of living.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
I don't know how you come up with this because Trump has not said he doesn't like Mexicans. So I don't get your point.

No, he loves "the mexicans", he even took a picture posing with a taco bowl to show his love and devotion for "the mexicans"

Anyone can say anything, but it's your actions that will define you.

albeagle wrote:
I didn't say I don't like Jews. im just exposing them. I don't know if you read this article but its from Winston Churchill. I don't think he was anti semitic. In this article he talks about some of the things I was saying.

Well, he had his moments....

If you like the subject, try reading Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization by Nicholson Baker

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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albeagle wrote:
Well that doesn't sound that right, but there are reasons for it. You don't just say things like that for no reason.

Well, to put it into context, imagine your wife likes the idea of having a wall with your neighbor but she tells you "We don't have the money for it, it's too expensive!" and you tell her, "Don't worry honey, we'll make that dumb neighbor pay for it and oooooohhh, he'll pay for it no matter what, one way or the other"

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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yes athens was an ok city (not great) and indeed we had no problems living ok

the rest of the country was not so great though. EU grants brought a much needed development to my country. problem was/is that most the $ went to big pockets and offshore companies and to foreign bank accounts (corruption). Could we have been better withouth EU in the long run? who knows...perhaps future generations will find out, because I too believe that EU will crumble unless it reforms.

as for equal do realize that equal rights is all about the rights of other people and not about what you think should be their rights, don't you?

and women are not just a vessel for growing babies you know...they're the same as you and me...they're humans

it's clear that your definition of racism differs from the widely one accepted

as for mrTrump, he might think that what he says is not racist words, the problem is that the rest of the world (excluding his supporters) does. Take me for example... I couldn't care less for what's going on in US, I don't even live there nor do I have any relatives nor do I plan to visit (although I would love to visit those national parks of yours). I rarely watch tv news (I too think they are biased), I mainly read news/articles etc... so there's no visual impact on my understanding of things. So I read something about mrTrump, and in the article there was also the journalist's comment. I said...this can't be I went and watch the video clip with mrTrump's speech (just his speech from his own mouth, without any media biased comment). well, my reaction was worse than the one I had just by reading of what he said.

You see, not all people have the same values in their lives. Mine and yours, for example, differ. So there's no need of a biased media, nor the need of a global conspiracy to change my ideas/views about certain issues.

Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Re: Tell me what you think gang,

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Trump doesn't like Aussies, he hang up on their prime minister, because it was a long day, he was tired and it was the worst call by far.

I don't feel alone anymore... Lol.
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