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12-06-2024 09:07
Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 72
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Retiring Player Extensions

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Can you only extend a players career twice?

I have a 33 year old who is still 9 speed and 9 stamina.

Seems like such a waste!

Assuming that is right, do all players declare retirement at 31 or have I just got really unlucky!
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Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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I have one that declared retirement at 35. I'll let the poor guy retire though, he's on like 6/7 speed/stamina at this point haha

But yeah I'm pretty sure you can only extend a maximum of two times.

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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I have 7-8 retiring players this season - but this Italian doesn't wanna let go!
Eraldo Pallini

Age: 34

Speed: 5
Stamina: 7
Play IntelligencePI
Play Intelligence: 8
Passing: 8
Shooting: 10
Heading: 9
Keeping: 7
Ball ControlBC
Ball Control: 8
Tackling: 10
Aerial PassingAP
Aerial Passing: 5
Set PlaysSP
Set Plays: 4
Experience: 10
Form: 9
Total Skill Balls    81

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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webregas wrote:
Can you only extend a players career twice?

I have a 33 year old who is still 9 speed and 9 stamina.

Seems like such a waste!

Assuming that is right, do all players declare retirement at 31 or have I just got really unlucky!

Then there's this guy, announcing his retirement for the first time at 37:

Xano Martijana

Age: 37

Speed: 7
Stamina: 7
Play IntelligencePI
Play Intelligence: 6
Passing: 9
Shooting: 7
Heading: 9
Keeping: 0
Ball ControlBC
Ball Control: 9
Tackling: 6
Aerial PassingAP
Aerial Passing: 6
Set PlaysSP
Set Plays: 6
Experience: 10
Form: 9
Total Skill Balls    72

I'd probably let him retire, since I barely use him these days.

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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webregas wrote:
Can you only extend a players career twice?

I have a 33 year old who is still 9 speed and 9 stamina.

Seems like such a waste!

Assuming that is right, do all players declare retirement at 31 or have I just got really unlucky!

i have a hockey player who wants to retire at 31.luckily he s only 8 speed and stamina so wont be such a waste.your situation sounds sad though

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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Besim Ceylan

Age: 33

Speed: 8
Stamina: 8
Play IntelligencePI
Play Intelligence: 8
Passing: 9
Shooting: 6
Heading: 8
Keeping: 0
Ball ControlBC
Ball Control: 8
Tackling: 9
Aerial PassingAP
Aerial Passing: 9
Set PlaysSP
Set Plays: 3
Experience: 10
Form: 9
Total Skill Balls    76

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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Good topic!

I definitely have something to say here.
IMHO all player's should be able to receive 3 extensions.
Only the best players will probably receive them, because it's not cheap. But having a superstar retiring at the age of 33 is just unrealistic.
Ok, he may want carrer extensions in his last 3 seasons, and if you are willing to pay for them, everybody's happy. But gave the opportunity to play him at least at the age of 34-35.

The issue is not such a big deal in football, but in hockey, having 21 players, it is a big deal, because if you have 5-6 retiring players, you are kind of screwed. The situation in the following 2 seasons is going down fast. You try to extend as many carrers as you can, but others will follow, and they add up. If those 5-6 players accept career extensions, the following season you will probably have like 8-9 retiring players, that's almost half the team and it's basically game over id est you are forced to reset the team.

It's not the retiring players that force you to reset your team, it's the fact that you don't actually know if they will actually retire the next season or not.

I know people say that having the option of extending a player's career gives you time to prepare, but it's not quite true, because there is a huge difference between having the possibility of 3 seasons extension and 1 season extension. So, you're totally in the dark until the following season.

Just a simple IMO.

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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Alex Balotă

Age: 31

This player just announced that he's thinking of retiring.

I will definitely extend his career, but for his long?

There is a big difference between retiring next season t the age of 32 with one extension and the next 3 seasons at the age of 34.

I wish to add that career extensions are not cheap.
For this player, the 1st extension is 222k, the 2nd extension would be around 300k and the 3rd extension would be around 400k, so that's almost 1 million euro for 3 extensions.

Not all the players will receive 3 career extensions if they are not great players.
If the player's worth like 200k, it's not logical to pay 500k for 2 career extensions. Simply buy a younger player for 500k.

But in this case, I would definitely want him to play at least until the age of 34.

I actually suggested to remove the limit of career extensions. Let the manager decide.

If he wishes to pay 500k for the 4th career extension, why not? 600k for the 5th career extension? It's a lot of money, but let him decide if that player's worth.

I am going to give you an example of a player who's actually worth playing until the age of 38.

Romeo Gherghescu

Age: 31

Why do I have to depend on hazard? Why not make it a management decision? I hope he won't announce his retirement until the age of 35-36, but it's very unlikely.

So, this is question for people who think that of you are announced gives you time to prepare.
Let's say that this player announces his retirement. Are you prepared to find something better? Feel confident about it? What are your feelings about the fact that you don't know if he will accept 2 or 3 career extensions? He may actually retire the next season even with career extension ant there is nothing you can do about it.

Is that realistic?

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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Sorry for the typos. I wrote from my phone. It would be nice to be able to edit our posts.

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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And an example from hockey.

Uhin Garate

Age: 35

Form: 9
Play IntelligencePI
Play Intelligence: 7
Power: 10
Skating: 7
Passing: 8
Quickness: 7
Shooting: 8
Keeping: 4
Puck ControlPC
Puck Control: 8
Checking: 9
Stamina: 7
Total Skill Pucks    75

This player didn't announce his retirement. I am so lucky!

Just look at him.

Now let's say that you have 5-6 players out of 21 like Garate announcing retirement. How can you prepare not knowing if they will retire the following season or they will play for another 3 seasons? Do you think it's easy to find players like that on the Market or grow youths like that?

It's not the number of balls/pucks that makes them great, it's the skills, which, as you can see, are a rare combination.

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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An additional question. What are the options on selling a retiring player?

I have a player who announced retirement this season who I now am unable to sell..

I haven’t aged a squad like this before so seem to be making a number of rookie errors!

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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You can put him on the Transfer Market until Day 21. After that, he can't be sold anymore.

The idea is this: he announces you he's considering retirement, so he can retire at your club or retire at another club. That's it. End of story.

So you have 3 weeks to make a decision.

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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Turning out to be an awfully expensive season this one 😭

Re: Retiring Player Extensions

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3 times extend seems ok

Beantwortet: Retiring Player Extensions

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It's not unrealistic that a super star retires early. There's more to life than being soccer pro. Even if top level. Everything can become boring when you do it for more than 20 years. At the age of 30+ you start thinking about the rest of your life. Maybe you want to start a career in a completely different field where you need to study or need years of education. Or maybe family live is demanding. Getting a child could outweigh everything else. Then you don't care about what the club management is willing to pay for another year. Let bygones be bygones.
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