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12-06-2024 12:21
Season 90 · Week 11 · Day 72
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Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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I developed a userscript for tampermonkey add-on.
If you visit the squad summary of any team, this script adds a new table to the view.
I am not sure it will work for other languages and currencies. Please let me if it is not working for you.

Note: You must directly visit the 'Squad Summary' page of your team or others. it will not work if you first visit the 'Player Profiles' page then switch to 'Squad Summary'.

To install:

Github Repo:
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Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Very good Tool! Thank you!

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Thank you for testing the script.
I hope it is useful.

I updated the script (v0.6) to display the squad summary of clash opponents in the clash page itself. Just click on yellow 'S' button next to each team.
It could help you to choose a more reasonable opponent.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Excellent tool, thanks!

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Update v0.7

This version adds a badge to display the team's rank in its federation. Rank is calculated based on team's top 11 players.
It works for both 'Our Challenges' and 'Their Challenges' tabs.

You can see your rank in 'Their Challenges' tab then return to 'Our Challenges' and choose an opponent with the same rank to play the clash match or whatever ...

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Hello @z7z will test it and then give my opinion!

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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helheim wrote:
Hello @z7z will test it and then give my opinion!

Thank you!

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Updated to v0.9

now it adds the value of top 11 players of each first team member then sorts them.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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It also adds name of the team to Front Page of the federation.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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I checked all 13 leagues.
These are Top 5 federations based on their top 11 players of their first team members.

Swedish Elite
Division 4.13
Total: 269,163,596 USD

Division 4.10
Total: 260,111,503 USD

Division 4.12
Total: 258,966,947 USD

Polish Federation
Division 4.3
Total: 247,585,471 USD

Drastic Clan
Division 4.1
Total: 247,166,865 USD

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Thanks z7z!
If you have time and it is possible, I would love to see the value of the 11 starting players on match detail page (for example -

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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You’re welcome.
I added the total value of lineup players.
For now, this includes substitute players too.
It is a little bit tricky to differentiate between starting and substitute players.
But I will try to resolve this too.

Please test it and let me know if it is not working properly.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Updated to v0.14

Now, it adds a new column to the lineup table to show the player values individually. Also, it calculates a lineup value based on the starting players with the exception of ex-players whose value is not fetched.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Lineup value calculation had a bug and that is fixed.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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It is excelent now, thank you very much!

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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@z7Z Just such an amazing job! Very nice, and thank you for this tool!

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Thank you for testing it.
Please let me know if there is any problem or if you have suggestion to improve it.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Updated to v0.17

now it adds players' age to the lineup table.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Updated to v0.18

now in clash page, it sorts teams by ranks.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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z7z wrote:
now in clash page, it sorts teams by ranks.

Great update. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Update v0.19

This is an attempt to inject the lineup values in national matches, where at least one side is a national team (either Senior or U21).

I’m not sure if it will work correctly for managers who are NC or NCA. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Hi. I found a bug in hockey, in match page. I think, now, it sums the first 11 players.
If it is possible to differentiate between footbal and hockey, in hockey you should add all the players value for total(basically, there are no reserves in hockey, all the players on the bench should count).

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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romanasu wrote:

If it is possible to differentiate between footbal and hockey, in hockey you should add all the players value for total.

Thank you for bug report.

Please update to v0.22, which improves hockey support.
In the clash and federation pages, the rank or strength of a team is calculated by adding the values of its top 21 players.
In the match pages, the lineup value is calculated by adding the values of all players.”

Sv: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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z7z wrote:
Updated to v0.9

now it adds the value of top 11 players of each first team member then sorts them.

Cool script! I will try it out in the federationclashes.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Thank you all for testing the script.
Let me know if there is any problems or you have any suggestion to improve it.

Update 0.23
Now it adds the value of team's top eleven players to the table.
Also I removed 'S' button. Click on the rank button to see squad summary of a team.

Odp: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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After updating, it shows me top21 values in football (I don't have a hockey team).

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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dresiu wrote:
(I don't have a hockey team).

Good point!

Please update to v0.24
I hope it is fixed now.

Odp: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Yeah, it's okay now! :)

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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dresiu wrote:
Yeah, it's okay now! :)


Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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great tool, thanks

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Update 0.25

Squad Summary table is improved.
Now, it adds total value and number of players for each group.

Odp: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Update 0.27

Now it adds team top players' value and average age to the league table.
Click on team value to get squad summary.

It handles UXX Leagues too.

Ri: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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z7z wrote:
Update 0.27

Now it adds team top players' value and average age to the league table.
Click on team value to get squad summary.

It handles UXX Leagues too.

Wonderful, thanks

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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xjll2002 wrote:

roundmidnight wrote:
Wonderful, thanks

You're welcome.
Please let me know if there is an issue.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Update 0.30

Now it must work on Mobile devices too.

For example, in Squad Summary page:

and in Clash page:

I disabled features that are not suitable for mobile view.
I will try later to implement them for mobile too.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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You can install Tampermonkey for Firefox Android from here:

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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update v0.31

Fixed not displaying lineup value for Event challenges.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Hi there,

Is there any chance we could see such an add on for Hockey ?

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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nikolazpsadmin wrote:
Hi there,

Is there any chance we could see such an add on for Hockey ?

It must work for Hockey too.
If it is not working or has a bug, please let me know.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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update v0.32

In previous versions, it could add the value of top 11 players of each team to the table of Official Leagues (senior, U23, etc.).
Now it adds team's value to the table of
- group play stage of the cups
- friendly leagues

known issues:
- In contrast to official leagues, it could not detect 'age limit' of the cup or friendly league. So it adds the 'Top 11 - All' value to the table.
- It would not work in national team cups.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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update v0.35

This is a work-around to improve v0.32.
It still can not detect age limit of cups or friendly leagues but you can change the view manually like this:

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Nice job. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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Awesome script. Is it available for mobile? It's not work on the league page.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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ruisimoes wrote:
Nice job. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Thank you.

paladiny wrote:
Awesome script. Is it available for mobile? It's not work on the league page.

The script is available for mobile but some features are not suitable for mobile view. For example, tables are very compact in mobile view and there is no room to add extra columns to them.
But I will try to find a way to insert teams' info into the table.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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paladiny wrote:
Awesome script. Is it available for mobile? It's not work on the league page.

Meanwhile you can try 'Use desktop version' in mobile and all features would work.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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paladiny wrote:
Awesome script. Is it available for mobile? It's not work on the league page.

update v0.36

Now it also adds top players info to the table if you are browsing on mobile devices.

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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update 0.37

It is a minor update.
Change list:
- No matter how you reached the "squad summary" tab, it always injects summary info before the Squad Summary table.
- Adds starting lineup average age to match pages

Re: Userscript to Dispaly The Squad Value

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update 0.41

In official leagues' schedule page, click on a team to highlight its matches.
- green means win
- red means loss
- yellow means draw
- cyan means the match is in progress or not played yet

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