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27-09-2024 23:21
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 88
Online: 6 370


Football » English » ManagerZone talk

MXT Federation Searching for Members

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Hey there!😉 we are searching for more members. At least 3 more from higher division for begin our first incoming competition. Consider that only 16 teams max can play for each federation: so if u aren't on main team and you want to play, consider the idea to join us. As said, we have 3 MAIN TEAM slots left atm. Thank you all and gl all for the incoming new season and new federation competitions 😉
Views: 137 Posts: 5
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Ri: MXT Federation Searching for Members

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Sorry forgotten the link 😆

Ri: MXT Federation Searching for Members

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Need at least 2 in main team

Ant: MXT Federation Searching for Members

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Consider that each federation can only field a maximum of 16 teams.

Ri: MXT Federation Searching for Members

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herringbur wrote:
Consider that each federation can only field a maximum of 16 teams.

I play from 2004...

Ri: MXT Federation Searching for Members

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And considering you play from few days, you have to know that players can be replaced for set a new one in top 16 so...
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