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27-09-2024 23:14
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 88
Online: 6 370


Football » English » ManagerZone talk

Players randomly stop training in Set Plays

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I have 2 players one is 25 years old and the other is 21.
They have had no recent injuries, that could keep them from training.
They are both set to train Set Plays.

They 21 year old have this training
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 100% (Wednesday)
- No training (Tuesday)
- Set Plays eff 100% (Thursday)
- No training (today)

The 25 yr old have this training
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 75%
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 75%
- Set Plays eff 100%
- Set Plays eff 50%
- Set Plays eff 100%
- No training (today)

Anybody knows what is going on?
Why does the plays suddenly not train?
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Re: Players randomly stop training in Set Plays

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Doh! .. I found the reason .. I have 2 players to many on senior training field 💩
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