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27-09-2024 23:14
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 88
Online: 6 370


Football » English » ManagerZone talk

NCAs don't get honours!?

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To my amazement, having discussed it on the Premier League message board; it's apparent that National Team Assistants don't share the accolades the main national coach does, which I think is so unfair. During my time as NC my assistants (ashleyhughes & michael9599) meant everything to the cause. Without them I most definitely wouldn't have achieved everything I/we did.

Not to add in real life everyone shares the accolades, it's on all the assistants résumés so a simple change like that should be implemented, literally means nothing and I'm surprised its not a feature already there and hardly been noticed or discussed.
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Re: NCAs don't get honours!?

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NCA’s need to have more rights. If they are appointed by the NC it’s because they are trusted. They should be able to add players to the squad and set tactics. Until they can do this they won’t get the recognition. Everything you to do with National Teams needs an update and reevaluation

Re: NCAs don't get honours!?

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ok more power to the NCA's

Re: NCAs don't get honours!?

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I totally agree with both your points, such a shame that such implementations seem impossible when I'm sure its one of the simplest things to integrate

Ant: NCAs don't get honours!?

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Totally agree.

When we won the World Cup and European U21 Cup, I was very disappointed that only I was rewarded the cup in my team page. The NCA's make a lot of efforts for the team and they should be rewarded as well.
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