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27-09-2024 23:17
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 88
Online: 6 370


Football » English » ManagerZone talk

HELP !!!

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i had games already secured for last week that they didnt happened, in some hours its day 87 (last day to play and secure the prize) im only missing 2 games ( already secured and accepted by my opponent ) yet when i check the schedule it says i dont have a game for day 87. same thing happened with the other games.

also the hours of the game are wrong... it says its programed to be played at 16:59, when it was put for waaaaay earlier. (btw... dint knew you could set games at 59 minutes of an hout)

Alredy lost 4 games because of this, im only needing 2 games for prize, pls help !!!
As extra, already tryed to playe a quick challenges.. server wont let me because... i have a game on day 87..... that doesnt show up and im sure its gonna be ... up... again !!

PLS HELP !!!!!!!!!
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Re: HELP !!!

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I’m confused by the whole message. You have two more friendlies booked that will play before the cut off time.

If you are only two short atm, they will be played before the end time of the tour

Re: HELP !!!

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Actually they have to be played by 7 59am your local time. I’m not exactly sure when that is? They might miss the deadline.

Re: HELP !!!

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chucky06 wrote:
Actually they have to be played by 7 59am your local time. I’m not exactly sure when that is? They might miss the deadline.

First of all... GIDDY M8 !! =)

I already lost 4 games pretty much the same way, i ALREADY have 2 games booked already for day 87, problem is that they dont appear as upcoming games, i already lost 4 games by the same prob... it already changed the matches playtime by several hours...

one of the games its even gonna be played ( if it ever ) at 16:59 my time, when it was scheduled to be played at 04:00 AM , the other is being "played" at ALMOST 6 hours delay from its original schedule.

if you´re wondering why a game at 4am....
1.- ´cuz when insomnia doesnt leave me alone,i see it live
2.- i live in Mexico and thats the default hour for the first day of the day ( the default for the second game in here its 12:pm )

Thats the proof i do have games scheduledfor day 87, yet they wont be played, cuz MZ already did this to me and they are just going to be ignored and not played ( already lost 4 games for this tour by the same means )

Re: HELP !!!

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and this is another ss from the quick challenges... says that i cant have a quick game, because i already have games for day 87 ....go check my games for day 87 and see how i have none =(

Re: HELP !!!

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And this is what i see on my upcoming games... no day 87 games as you can see.. only day 88 and after.

Re: HELP !!!

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dun wrote:

And this is what i see on my upcoming games... no day 87 games as you can see.. only day 88 and after.

I think you are misreading the image. On day 87th - your tactics are B and B. On day 88th you have B and C.

If you look at your fixture page - you can see that on 1st july your team uses B and B tactics which are day 87th games. I think you are confused by the server time. Day 87th for YOU is 30/06 17:00 to 1/07 16:59. Maybe someone gets my post gist and can then explain it better in english :P

Re: HELP !!!

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The two friendly games on the 1st of July count as day 87 games.
Server day 87 for Mexico starts at 17:00 on the 30th until 16:59 on the 1st of July. As the two games are before 16:59 on the 1st of July, they are day 87 games.

The part that says 30/6 17:00 - 1/7 16:59 is telling you when day 87 is in your local time. It does not refer to when the games will be played. Like 17:00 Mexico time is midnight for all of MZ land.
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