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27-09-2024 23:15
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 88
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Alternate Tactics

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Is there an ultimate guide to alternate tactics ?
Does everyone use them and if so is it an essential tool for success ?
How do you set your alternate tactics ?

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Re: Alternate Tactics

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I saw in another forum other owners showing how to do tactical alternatives, if I find I will put the link here.

A tactical change mid-game can save a result.

I'm now going back to ManagerZone, but in my time I used to switch tactics at 30 minutes, in case I was trailing by 2 goals, and at 45 and 65 minutes.

Re: Alternate Tactics

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I don't think there is an ultimate guide.

When I was running the NT, my "base" would be something like

Start wing tactic
If after 25 minutes we are down by 2 or more goals, make a sub and switch to short passing. This is because if we are down by 2 then something is obviously not working.
If after 55 minutes we are down by 1, play all the remaining subs. It's a close game and they might make the difference (Especially true of a fresh winger and striker)
If we are winning, make subs at 50, 65 and 80 minutes. Basically time wasting.
If it is a tie after 65 minutes, make all 3 subs.
If we are losing by 1 goal after 75 minutes, switch to short passing, just to mix it up if we need a goal late.

The reason for a later sub if it's a tie, as opposed to a losing situation is that to me, the percentages are like
65 minute sub = 66% chance of scoring a late goal, 10% chance of scoring twice
55 minute sub = 40% chance of scoring a late goal, 25% chance of scoring twice
If it's a tie we only need one goal. But if we are losing we probably need two. If it's a knock out I might sub on even later, to have fresher players for a potential overtime.

Switching tactics after going 2-0 down against South Korea in like 10 minutes actually was the difference between getting out of a confed cup group stage and being eliminated.

Re: Alternate Tactics

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There’s a lot of debate whether they are justified or not for simply tactical reasons. Without advanced knowledge of the simulator it’s hard to really say if they are effective or not. I use Alt tactics when I have a competitive senior team.

The basics is swapping wings from one side of the field to the other during the game incase your opponent has played a tactic to block your wing or moved there defence off centre.

Switching your own wing backs to the other side if your opponent’s wing only plays the one side to help with any yellow card trouble and fatigue.

They are real basic moves that are handy sometimes. Moving from a SP and wing tactic and interchangeable is also very common but a lot more complex. If you watch the majority of the top WL teams they all move between short passing and wings regularly throughout matches. The theory is if one tactic isn’t working at all it gives you a second go at getting a result. You also run the risk of the tactic was working really well and you change to a worse tactic.

There’s also people out there too who believe when the game is started (simulated) everything is locked in from that moment and alt tactics wouldn’t even be relevant.

I recommend watching some top games and national teams too. You’ll see a variety of ways they are used. If the majority of top managers use them you’d think it’s for a reason right? :p

Re: Alternate Tactics

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Dags also explained how using Alt tactics during times of the game based on scores can also be really effective.

Ant: Alternate Tactics

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I look at tactics like rock, paper, scissors.

You always try to start with the advantage, and if you're losing, you change to a tactic that would beat the tactic your starting tactic would lose from.

Re: Alternate Tactics

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I’m arguably in the result is locked in at the start of a game camp...

However, still doesn’t stop me setting up a couple of alt rules. (Just in case) 😉
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