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27-09-2024 23:43
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 88
Online: 6 294


Football » English » ManagerZone talk

Old player gets new name

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I sold my player Lambe Toba to a team in my division. When I checked him out today he has got a new name 😳🤷‍♂️ Aloisio Vale

Id: 208615846

If you check the League match from wednesday you can see him as Lambe Toba but when you click, you see the right player with the right skills but with a new name....
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Re: Old player gets new name

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Yes I see it! What is this dark magic?

Re: Old player gets new name

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A secret agent

Re: Old player gets new name

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Who gave him the new indentity? who's pulling the strings !?

Re: Old player gets new name

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Sometimesuser create names which are abusive and when discovered then they are reverted back or changed.

His name does not matter what it means but it was changed because name was abusive.

Re: Old player gets new name

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Finger licking good 🤣👍
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