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27-09-2024 23:50
Season 91 · Week 13 · Day 88
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What's happening to the transfer market?

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Just a quick question lads, I may be planning to buy some players as I was sold out 2 seasons ago.

Went to transfer market just for out of curiosity to see what are the current prices for lets say defenders. I've put 9 speed, 8 stamina , 9 inteligence and 9 tackling as my search and all I got was 7 players ! In this number 4 are 29 years old, 2 are 28 and only one 24.

Then I changed the search, I thought, probably will get good few with 8 inteligence, changed the setting to 8 inteligence and changed the age up to 26 and still the number is weirdly small only 6 players found...

I have to say I'm surprised...
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Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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Good players are hard to come by in the last 2 seasons and when they come they are at a very big premium.

Ive noticed a real spike in prices recently!

Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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well I think the skills which you have placed into the search is really high.

No wonder that you have not found too much players.

My suggestion would be if possible try to search players on season break, on those two weeks you can find much more offers.

Отн: What's happening to the transfer market?

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everey next season will be less good players at all and on the market almost nothing
crew must change something of that else people will continue leaving
for example - for 2 seasons I make all the youths changes and no player with 4 starts yet, and probaby if the game decide to give me one in 2-3 seasons, will be with LP speed hahahhahaha
they must ask themselves the question - will the people play and pay with all those trash players, I read somewhere that because of the youth potentials the good players will be less than before, OMG they really continue trying to kill that game with poor decisions, waiting for their next step - probably long pass domination

Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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You gotta be kidding... If you’re looking for top players you’ll luckily find one or two once a week.

Try searching again when the mid/end season bonus are given

Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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rayado_ivan wrote:
You gotta be kidding... If you’re looking for top players you’ll luckily find one or two once a week.

Try searching again when the mid/end season bonus are given

Actually if there are less top players on the market then the average players will be top players in the near future and the current top players will be superstars, which if you think about it isn't that bad. I mean, when everyone got Messi, Ronaldo & Mbappe on their teams then they stop being "special" and they're just average top players.

Basically, the standard of players will be lower for all teams and the superstars will trully be superstars.

Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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The youth potential tool have created a "silly season" during the end of each season where the market is overfloated with superb players. Do another search in 4 weeks and you will see what I mean.

Отн: What's happening to the transfer market?

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darkline wrote:
Actually if there are less top players on the market then the average players will be top players in the near future and the current top players will be superstars, which if you think about it isn't that bad. I mean, when everyone got Messi, Ronaldo & Mbappe on their teams then they stop being "special" and they're just average top players.

Basically, the standard of players will be lower for all teams and the superstars will trully be superstars.

Yes but in this situation many people will left because everybody pay to have Messi and Ronaldo and after all when you have only avearage youths(mine are pretty worst from avearage) you start losing interest and in sometime stop playing and stop paying, and after all is a game that must make profit so is very bad that there will be less and less good players
for example - I dont see difference with 2 or 3 weekly changes because 90% are 2HP and for me this is trash, so not see reason to keep pay for this product even playing at uXx competitions with my trash youths
basic economy - people like the product and continue buy it, if dont like it just change it
browse the forum and find me 10 good opinions from customers(we are customers after all)
with the luck that mz had with lockdowns and some people return to the game and nothing done to keep them is pure managment, lockdowns will not continue forever

Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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Its dead mid season but much busier at the end. So trying to build a team during the season is a nightmare, better off just going all in across the close season.

Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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naskoch wrote:
Yes but in this situation many people will left because everybody pay to have Messi and Ronaldo and after all when you have only avearage youths(mine are pretty worst from avearage)

So basically you'll be happier if every player could go to 9/10 on all skills so everyone could have their own Pele/Maldini hybrid? The problem is not the lack of players on the market because if lower skills are the new normal, in a few seasons everyone will have to use this players you disregard now and prices for this new normal players will go up, for me the real problem is the scout that tell you your player will be "crap" because he's just 2HP and creates unrealistic expectactions and a very especulative market, people don't buy players for their skills anymore, they just overpay players based on potential which ironically, might be innacurate enough that you future Mbappe turns out to be Freddy Adu.

This is a 2HP/2LP player I trained up, no idea why really... but it was an eye opener

Neil Vincent

Age: 34

Honestly? He's a lot better and has more potential that many others 3HP and 4HP that ended up in the trash bin and I'm honestly considering giving him camps for the next few seasons because he could become a good striker, nothing prevents him from going to 8 PI for example because his LP is keeping/AP, but of course because the scout says he has no future then his market value is low & most people would have discarded him giving him no chance... I mean, I would have discarded him but he was scoring like crazy on U18 and kinda stuck with the team just because I didn't get any better exchanges.

Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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Comsidering that this kind of players will not be re-evaluated by the Crew, at least we should have more youths.
This way maybe we can give 2HP 2LP players a chance.

Due to the increasing inflation and the decreasing of superstar players in the game, maybe 2HP 2LP players will become valuable.

Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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If a 2HP/2LP player doesn't max poorly in a crucial skill, I have found that they train up fairly nicely and can be quite useful, especially at the Uxx level.

Re: What's happening to the transfer market?

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Here is a 2HP/2LP player who is performing well for me:

D.J. McCollum

Age: 33

And here is a 2HP/1LP who was the star striker of my U18 squad:

Al Carter

Age: 33 (Retired)

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