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21-09-2024 08:04
Season 91 · Week 12 · Day 82
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Football » English » ManagerZone talk

Club Membership Benefits

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Hey folks....looking for opinions....

Thinking of diving back in with CM ...what do CMs think are the ''CM add ons'' that are really worth it please... ?

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Re: Club Membership Benefits

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Official cups are free,costumize logo, free challenges(in terms of scoutmatches, U21/NT team, Top team challenge - you get legendary badge, so you should get 15 free challenges)), you can costumize logo. You can see training graphs, you can see maxings directly from training field, red color if skill is maxed, green if unmaxed and much more.

Read more here:

So if possible I would recommand spending couple of bucks on CM for sure! Depending on country I'd say not that expensive. Unless you have australian flag behind your name which you dont! :P

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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you also get to use emoticons in the forums :D

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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There is literally 1 reason I buy CM: training reports.

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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^ this

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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CM is good for supplementary tactics also. PLus the training pluses, as said above, which are a close 2nd place.

I would tell you more but then again, I haven't not been a CM for 10 (real) years so actually don't know what I'm (not) missing anymore.

And on the plus side, I think spending a few euros (not at all much if you have a salary) is a good effort to support a game (as any other application, for that matter) that you love. It's a small contribution for something which does bring more joy and, no matter if big or small, no matter the random MZ has, it is worth it supporting this game instead of it dieing.

Glad to see you actively coming back! ;)

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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For me training graphs are vital.

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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Adds free
Cheaper cups
See maxings at transfer market

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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I am greedy, i rather Work for mz than spending regular bucks

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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C'mom whinsy get back into it, missing Bessie

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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xurzee wrote:
C'mom whinsy get back into it, missing Bessie

Old Bessie is now Battle of the Planets.
Ask for a place in it ;)

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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Thanks guys.......back in the CM game ;-)

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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Good decision!

Great to have you back! :)

Re: Club Membership Benefits

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Free official cups are a big part of it for me. Not sure if I enter enough cups to actually pay for the CM, but I hope it is close. Training graphs are a close second.
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