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09-06-2024 23:51
Season 90 · Week 10 · Day 69
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Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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The purpose of this thread is to share and have a laugh at our previous managerial faux pas (our Rookie Mistakes, in other words) and for others to learn from them if they so wish.

What previous decisions made you look back and feel like this?:

... I'll start off, my biggest rookie mistake was becoming too connected to my players.

When I first started playing this game I gave my strikers way too much credit. I thought one of my players was an absolute legend because he scored an incredible amount of goals in my first two seasons... Like every player could.

In the first few seasons it is important to remember you are pretty much against AI, bots. As long as you can slap a formation together on your tactics page then it should not be too hard to get to Division 4 in England with absolutely no sweat… but in your first experience of the game you don't particularly know that yet.

Anyway, it's important not to idolize players, think of them as data (unless it's Eden Schutt).
Glenn Downham was a striker that I owned that wasn't good enough to play for Division 4 but I kept him because of his performances in Div5 and Div6 while he was destroyed by maxings and deterioration:

I kept this player in my reserves out of some sort of gratitude, so he could retire at my club. This decision may sound innocently silly but it's worse than that, it also affected my finances as I was paying to keep him weekly.
Let's say there's just 10 weeks a season (which there isn't), with his current salary if I made him a coach (which I'm sure is lower than his last season as a player wages) he has now he cost me 25,330GBP a season, multiply that by the amount of seasons I've kept him in my reserves and… I leaked a lot of money from my club for no reason.

Hilarious thing is, now I'm pumping out players from my Youth Academy that are better than him, here's one example.

Reg Warrender has another season and a half to train in the Youth Academy and no maxings!

To avoiding doing what I did, to keep a memory of your player... Mention him in your WFO! Trust me I don't even want to use Downham as a Coach as I have better coaches in all his abilities, so he's totally worthless.

What about you guys, any Managerial Blunders you regret from your early days?
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Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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richardmbutler wrote:
Kept on renaming my team over and over again and wasting a lot of money in the process. I have probably had about 7-8 names over the years :)Not staggering my youth players, so that I could get them all through training camp in one season. Leaving players on skills when they were maxed without realising :)

to 8.7.2014 West Ham United FC
to 12.3.2014 PRANZ Town FC
to 24.5.2011 West Ham Utd FC
to 14.9.2010 RMB Wivenhoe Warriors FC
to 19.1.2010 Richies Rovers FC
to 15.7.2009 Moores Maulers FC
to 16.7.2008 Butlers Barmy Army FC

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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