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Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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The purpose of this thread is to share and have a laugh at our previous managerial faux pas (our Rookie Mistakes, in other words) and for others to learn from them if they so wish.

What previous decisions made you look back and feel like this?:

... I'll start off, my biggest rookie mistake was becoming too connected to my players.

When I first started playing this game I gave my strikers way too much credit. I thought one of my players was an absolute legend because he scored an incredible amount of goals in my first two seasons... Like every player could.

In the first few seasons it is important to remember you are pretty much against AI, bots. As long as you can slap a formation together on your tactics page then it should not be too hard to get to Division 4 in England with absolutely no sweat… but in your first experience of the game you don't particularly know that yet.

Anyway, it's important not to idolize players, think of them as data (unless it's Eden Schutt).
Glenn Downham was a striker that I owned that wasn't good enough to play for Division 4 but I kept him because of his performances in Div5 and Div6 while he was destroyed by maxings and deterioration:

I kept this player in my reserves out of some sort of gratitude, so he could retire at my club. This decision may sound innocently silly but it's worse than that, it also affected my finances as I was paying to keep him weekly.
Let's say there's just 10 weeks a season (which there isn't), with his current salary if I made him a coach (which I'm sure is lower than his last season as a player wages) he has now he cost me 25,330GBP a season, multiply that by the amount of seasons I've kept him in my reserves and… I leaked a lot of money from my club for no reason.

Hilarious thing is, now I'm pumping out players from my Youth Academy that are better than him, here's one example.

Reg Warrender has another season and a half to train in the Youth Academy and no maxings!

To avoiding doing what I did, to keep a memory of your player... Mention him in your WFO! Trust me I don't even want to use Downham as a Coach as I have better coaches in all his abilities, so he's totally worthless.

What about you guys, any Managerial Blunders you regret from your early days?
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Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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As soon as I could sign players, I went out and bought what ever Brazilian I could get my hands on... because obviously Brazilians are better at football...duh!

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Hahaha yep, I did that too.

Oh, João Francisco Velloso... you were an easily replaceable player xD

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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My biggest rookie mistake was creating a youth academy and then leaving the game. But now im back.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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I created a Youth Academy immediately after I joined (Season 20 Round 20)

I then closed it fully and got a new on the next season. Essentially paying twice for the setup.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Mines was not opening a youth academy at all, didn't even contemplate one until a few seasons down the line, eeeeawwwww! Wasn't sure how long I'd be playing, and instead, opted to buy awful players that were slightly better than my starting bunch, to achieve what? I dunno. Funnily enough still made it straight to division one in Scotland. Who knows where such a strategy would take you these days.... somewhere in the premier I suspect.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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I immediately demolished my stadium to a capacity of 5,000...duh!!!

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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dowopado wrote:
I immediately demolished my stadium to a capacity of 5,000...duh!!!

Ouch!! How long did it take you to fix up the stadium? xD

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Hired a total of SIX "5 Star" Coaches.... :(
Paying them roughly 85000-90000 USD per WEEK.... ;(
Realized the mistake by going over the forums after 4 weeks... :)
Then firing cost a total of 350,000 USD......
Probably, the biggest Financial Blunder in MZ ever of 750,000 USD...... :D

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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I removed my Youth Academy at some point to save money on progression. Last 20's, early 30's. Progressed to a decent Div1 level but ended up with a massive age gap due to retirements that I just couldn't plug.

There were no Uxx Cups for money or anything that time, so it was all about developing or selling.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Rookie mistakes? Setting CT risk too high in the wet.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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geoclphredux wrote:
Ouch!! How long did it take you to fix up the stadium? xD

Not sure...think about 3 or 4 weeks.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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geoclphredux wrote:
Ouch!! How long did it take you to fix up the stadium? xD

It's actually not a bad mistake - for stadiums, seating builds in a day or 2 and is relatively cheap (compared to facilities).

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Ah yeah ofcourse. For some reason I thought that dowopado reduced his stadium down to nothing but the 5000 capacity haha, my bad.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Not firing my initial players, then starting a youth academy and not being able to afford training camps. Thinking my players were good and scrapping the academy, due to financial strain. Building more capacity and facilities than my division level required. Thinking the sim would reward real world on pitch tactics. Buying crap players, using expensive coaches back when a cheap coaches did the same job.

Yet somehow I kept the books balanced and never went insolvent. While very slowly progressing through the Divisions and into the A-league after almost 16 seasons. I think this season is my 20th. It's amazing I'm still here

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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frankzappa wrote:
Rookie mistakes? Setting CT risk too high in the wet.

Doesn't beat the old wrong tyre setup. Dries when it's wet, wet when it's dry!

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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trained players who were maxed out for 2 weeks then realising it

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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My rookie mistakes????

I didnt know there was a training field. I had no idea how players were receiving training. I had no idea about training reports.

And then when I found out its existence, I didnt notice that there was a youth training field. I already had 2-3 youths in my academy but I couldnt find them anywhere.

The results were "perfect", and I managed to have players like the following ones:

And my 2 Messis from youth academy (who send to TCs despite having lost 1 or 2 seasons of traing)

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Didn't open youth academy for first few seasons.

Spent too much time (and money) in the transfer market.

Bid on too many similar players and won, then couldn't afford the wage bill and had to sell multiple players at a loss (twice, I guess I'm a slow learner).

Neglected my stadium for a few seasons - too busy spending all my money on players.

And got sentimentally attached to some players well beyond their use to my team.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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My most memorable mistake wasn't overly costly, but it is overly stupid given what I know now.

In my second season in the game we won division 5, so I rewarded my victorious players for a job well done by taking them off the training pitch so that they could have a holiday over the off-season.

I may not be the most successful manager, but my employees love me H

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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theme_dreamer wrote:
My most memorable mistake wasn't overly costly, but it is overly stupid given what I know now.

In my second season in the game we won division 5, so I rewarded my victorious players for a job well done by taking them off the training pitch so that they could have a holiday over the off-season.

I may not be the most successful manager, but my employees love me H


Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Simple! I took a short term approach to a long term game then let fustration get the better of me.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Mmmmm..... once I put for sale the wrong Chinese player, in my defense the names where very similar, both look like their names where composed by little house thingies with some lines on top

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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realising my players wernt good enough for the division so had a fire sale not once but twice

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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I have a good one... my first two foreigners. I decided a football team is build with a good keeper. So I bought my first foreign "star" player who had 5 balls in keeping (and was clearly maxed) but he was much better than the rest!

Then I decided to go for my second foreigner. And saw that other goalie with also 5 balls but younger so eventually not maxed. I thought he was making an excellent sub. Bought him (still remember the price: 122.000€) and of course, he was also maxed.

My second mistake: not to close the account here I am more than 10 years later!! xDD

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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I found GPRO when leading the EPL at the midway stage. Barely saw any of the second half of the season, and eventually lost the title by a point or so...

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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tree_amigos wrote:

And got sentimentally attached to some players well beyond their use to my team.

I was guilty of this one early on.

theme_dreamer wrote:
My most memorable mistake wasn't overly costly, but it is overly stupid given what I know now.

In my second season in the game we won division 5, so I rewarded my victorious players for a job well done by taking them off the training pitch so that they could have a holiday over the off-season.

I may not be the most successful manager, but my employees love me H

This is without a doubt one of the best posts I have ever read.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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When I went inactive for three years and didn't close my youth academy. It took me about a month to fire them all at a rate of 4 per day

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Kinda shocking to log on today and seeing my ugly mug staring back at me.
I thought someone was putting a bounty on me, wanted Dead or Alive :O

I guess another rookie mistake from me was not bothering with the youth academy for... many, many seasons xD

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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- Ignore forming a Youth Academy, because you can just buy young talent with all the money you save on not having a Youth Academy

I think that's not a mistake, that's the actual situation of transfer market.

Ce: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Fielding whoever wears the jersey #1 as goalkeeper, when you first take over your team.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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senile_old_men wrote:
When I went inactive for three years and didn't close my youth academy. It took me about a month to fire them all at a rate of 4 per day

Remember the days when you could get rid of only 1 per day. Agony!!!

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Just laughing at who at who did the last mistake xD

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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*at who made the last mistake in the homepage news thingymabob

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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mrblue74 wrote:
Fielding whoever wears the jersey #1 as goalkeeper, when you first take over your team.


Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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theme_dreamer wrote:
My most memorable mistake wasn't overly costly, but it is overly stupid given what I know now.

In my second season in the game we won division 5, so I rewarded my victorious players for a job well done by taking them off the training pitch so that they could have a holiday over the off-season.

I may not be the most successful manager, but my employees love me H

You sir, Win at life.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Selling an unmaxed 4 ball keeper in my first sell up to then see Ashley Hughes take him to 10 balls!

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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I named my team something stupid than re-named it to something even more stupid than re-named it to something slightly less stupid. It wasn't until my 5th change that I was able to settle on a not stupid team name...

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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overthetop3 wrote:
I named my team something stupid than re-named it to something even more stupid than re-named it to something slightly less stupid. It wasn't until my 5th change that I was able to settle on a not stupid team name...

Haha, I do this a lot too. Naming stuff is blooming hard. Have any kids? I tell you, finding a name there was even harder.
Edited: 28-08-2014 16:38
Total edits: 2

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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overthetop3 wrote:
I named my team something stupid than re-named it to something even more stupid than re-named it to something slightly less stupid. It wasn't until my 5th change that I was able to settle on a not stupid team name...

The real mistake was when you named it Ricki=Lee United and she was in the fat part of her career. She's hot now, so it would be much more acceptable (still not acceptable at all though)

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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signing up 10 years ago. massive mistake dude

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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I think my exploits could fill a book H

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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More like an almanac

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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I have sent many players from original team do training camps instead of juniors. Moreover, I ordered only 6 youths at the time. And yes, I commited a youth academy cancellation sin, moreover, when I wasn't rookie at all yet. It seemed to me as smart move at the time :-D

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Great thread altogether!

Well, I've done most of them been reported already - long before someone really introduced me to the game, in 2008. I really loughed at navai's 'Brazilian admiration'.

My first ever (appart from naming my team twice before I even know what to do with it) was me setting up my tactic and picking up the tallest guy in the house... for a goalie! No other criteria.
Didn't have a clue what "Keep" had to do with goal-keeping at the time!

Okzzz! I'm not a NASA geeza a'right? :P

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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@zorzyior09. LOL. Another classic mistake. Wish that was all that was needed for a good keeper.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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I still have a team of super coaches (7 coaches with a 9 in a skill). They are all on the cheap (under $9,000 CDN) and I am not 100% sure that this is a mistake still. The coaches are all strong in important skills. I'm actually concerned that MZ said that this was a mistake.

My biggest idiot / mis-click mistake was building 6 Pubs instead of 6 Fast Food Restaurants when I already had my Pubs maxed out. That was a $300,000 screw-up

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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Kept on renaming my team over and over again and wasting a lot of money in the process. I have probably had about 7-8 names over the years :)Not staggering my youth players, so that I could get them all through training camp in one season. Leaving players on skills when they were maxed without realising :)

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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smiller29 wrote:
I still have a team of super coaches (7 coaches with a 9 in a skill). They are all on the cheap (under $9,000 CDN) and I am not 100% sure that this is a mistake still. The coaches are all strong in important skills. I'm actually concerned that MZ said that this was a mistake.

Now coaches with higher skill balls have a greater influence on training speed, for youth especially, but seniors benefit as well. It's not as bad as now. But under the old system, needlessly paying the salary of a ten ball coach when a 5 ball coach did the same job was a rookie mistake.

Re: Your Rookie Mistakes (Confession Time)

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holy crap forgot the check team news only have 3 coaches remaining.
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